View Full Version : Pad display on Levels below

2006-08-01, 12:41 AM
Does anyone know if there is a way of a pad say on Level 1 not showing through the Toposurface below on Level 0. It appears as a blank area on a Level 0 below the pad. I would like to see just the fill pattern of the Toposurface, as it would be in the real world, cheers for your help.

2006-08-01, 12:45 AM
So do you mean that on level 1 you want to be able to see the pad?
or into the toposurface to show the earth pattern?

2006-08-01, 10:31 PM
I can see the pad in level 1 (which is where the pad level is) but below this Level 0 its all underground and there is a clear area where the pad is above this, i have attached some pictures to show this. I dont want the pad to show on the left hand image. Thanks.

2006-08-01, 11:18 PM
As far as I know pads usually stretch down to the topo, so in answer to your question, no. You could try creating a subregion in your topo surface, but then you would not have the pad on level 1.