View Full Version : Limitations of Coordination Monitor

Wes Macaulay
2006-08-02, 07:11 AM
Here's something all Revit platform users should be aware of:

Here's the process by which arch and struc share building data:

the architect lays out grids, levels, columns, slabs and walls
structural links and copy/monitors the relevant structural objects from the arch file and leaves the rest
the architect links in the engineer's file but does not need to copy/monitor -- this is happening already
When the objects are copied by the eng, Revit does not necessarily duplicate the object types into the destination file -- this is controlled by the Options settings inside the Copy/Monitor command.

If the engineer changes the column, wall or floor type, the architect will not be notified of this change unless...

the object changes location
if the object is a floor or wall, changes width of core
If a column is rotated, Coordination Monitor will not pick it up. (If it's moved, it will.)

So when the architect links in the engineer's file, they will be notified if:

grids or columns are moved
the sketch of a floor slab has been changed
They will not be notified when:

a column's size has been changed
a column has been rotated
floor or wall assemblies have changed if the core is the same width/depth
a new object has been added
Someone correct me or add any other information they have about the topic!


2008-06-08, 08:56 PM
Hello Wes,

are the points you mentioned still accurate?

I going back and forth between RAC2009 and RST2009 and I keep running into problems with the most simpel walls. I always get the error that a wall has been reversed. (this wall should only become shorter or longer. Nothing else has happened. (that I know of)


Wes Macaulay
2008-06-09, 03:45 AM
I don't think anything has changed on this topic -- unless anyone else knows something new...