View Full Version : Roof Overhang Different Thickness

2006-08-02, 09:12 PM
For residential drawings when you create the overhang of the roof, many times the overhang it is different thickness than the main body of the house, what are the options? do I need to create two different roofs, one for the overhang and one more for the main body of thehouse?

2006-08-03, 09:34 AM
Good question!! Answer: Unfortunately, Yes!!

The Sweg
2006-08-03, 10:19 AM
I would ask yourself if it's really necessary to show different thicknesses. I draw nothing but res. home plans and put as few steps into my roofs as possible, so as to avoid problems when moving walls and wanting the roof to automatically adjust. My roof slabs are 4" thick (to represent the top cord of the truss) and I apply a simple fascia so that in elevations, my fascias and rakes all show at 6".

Henry D
2006-08-03, 11:58 AM
What I have done when I am using 2x12 rafters and had to show a different thickness for the outlookers on a gable overhang...is to use a void to cut out the excess thickness in the overhang. This way you only have to use one roof which is much simpler to manage for changes.