View Full Version : Linked Annotation Visability

2004-06-09, 02:44 AM
Hi All,

I have attached two jpeg's, one of an annotated structure (as built), and one with the same view linked into a proposed alteration. I'd like to keep these side by side.

When I link the as built, all annotations dissapear, except grids.
When I check visibility settings for linked files in view props,
I see options for model elements, but no options for linked annotations.

I think I must be missing something obvious, so tia for any assist.


Mr Spot
2004-06-09, 03:42 AM
Unfortunately linking if for purely model information only. The only annotations that do come across in a linked file are grids. You could try selecting the annotations in the documented file and pasting aligned in the link file, however you will not be able to include doors & windows into schedules from the linked file. This can only be done in the original file.


2004-06-09, 03:46 AM
Use Import - Current View Only to import the dwg file.

From the Help File :-
If you set this option, any text in the imported file is visible and can be cropped by the crop region of the view. If the option is not selected, only lines and geometry are imported, and the import behaves like model geometry:

Scott D Davis
2004-06-09, 04:25 AM
Use Import - Current View Only to import the dwg file.
Beegee, I think they are both RVT files, and one is linked into the other.

If you are trying to show existing and 'new addition', why didn't you use phasing, and put two Views side by side on a sheet. One the existing, and the other, the new?

2004-06-09, 04:30 AM

Thanks my Aussie freinds:


Thats it,

I did a save (asbuilt.rvt), and then a save as (proposed.rvt) and continued wroking on the proposed. Then I linked back not knowing I'd loose the annotations. Now that I have two files, I'll probably have to work backward to get the initial as built view into the proposed file via phasing, ya think? Or, I could probably do a one time copy and paste hack into a view, and pull it over into the proposed sheet view . After all, this is a one time funky remodel I only took on for a friend ( why, oh-why )

Thanks guys


Scott D Davis
2004-06-09, 04:58 AM
Is you remodel RVT file set up with "existing" objects, and "New" objects? Probably be pretty easy to convert your "proposed" file to exisitng and new, with some demo'd objects.

2004-06-09, 06:24 AM
I have doors and windows set to existing and new in the "proposed" model, yes. That shure helps for scheduling. But alas, during the time between our last posts I've managed to kloog the two files together via copy and have isolated or exosed views via crop regions.
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