View Full Version : View Titles Missing

2006-08-03, 03:30 PM
The view titles on my sheets have dissappeared. I have checked the visibility of the sheets view properties and the view titles is turned on. Any ideas on what could have happened?



2006-08-03, 03:32 PM
The view titles on my sheets have dissappeared. I have checked the visibility of the sheets view properties and the view titles is turned on. Any ideas on what could have happened?


Someone changed the view title type to turn off the symbol for one view - it then of course affected all other views using that view symbol. Instead they should have duplicated the type and then changed the settings.

2006-08-03, 03:33 PM
When you select the view from the sheet, you should see what Viewport (view title family) is being used. Have you looked into the properties (Type Parameters) there?

We create a view title that has everything shut off. Maybe someone on your team swapped it with something like that.