View Full Version : One site, two buildings

2006-08-03, 05:57 PM
Here's the situation. We are working on a four-storey multi-residential project. The building is in one RVT file, the site in another. In the site file, the building is linked and placed in two different locations. The same building will be built for both locations.

In the building file, when we link the site, we only see the building in one location at a time, how can we show it in both?

If possible, we would like to do this in the building file, as that's where the majority of the sheets are being created.

Any thoughts?

Thanks, in advance,


2006-08-03, 06:33 PM
If possible, we would like to do this in the building file, as that's where the majority of the sheets are being created.

I think you'd have to save your original building file to a new name, then link in the site and the newly named building project file.

For changes, update the original building project file, then re-save it to the duplicate to keep them the same.