View Full Version : Tagging Toposurface

2006-08-07, 12:58 AM
I'm doing a cut & fill excercise on a site with around 12 separate pads.

I can't label the pads (i.e. seems to be no ability to call each pad something different other than their type) so i've labelled them via their toposurfaces Element Propoerties as eg. "Building 1" in the "Mark" Field
This turns up on the topography schedule so I can tell which one is which.

How do I label each pad in plan? I've had a go with tags but I can't figure out how to get the tag to pick up the "Mark" field in the toposurface?

2006-08-07, 05:54 AM
Good question I am trying to do the same thing.

2006-08-07, 08:26 AM
It doesn't look as though you can tag either Pads or Toposurfaces.

Maybe you could workaround using a Floor? Or (last resort) use dumb text to label the pads?

2008-07-14, 09:30 AM
Im looking for the same thing, Has anyone had any luck?

Andre Carvalho
2008-07-14, 04:53 PM
Im looking for the same thing, Has anyone had any luck?

You can use the material tag to tag the pads. The material tag works with toposurface only if you can pick a part where the toposurface is being cut by the cut plane. You can also change the material tag symbol to looks the way you want.

Andre Carvalho