View Full Version : Imported Polyline and text show different

2004-06-09, 03:31 PM
Just had a small setback, when I realised, that polylines and text of imported dwg files to show diffrent then in the original ( Autocad)

Polyline lost witdh and in the text, the diameter sign turn square

Any way of adjusting that, or should the consultant print the files directly??

Appart for the printjob, I would like to have the consultants file imported, so to have really all of the building in one file.


David Conant
2004-06-09, 04:14 PM
Revit has no element that corresponds to a wide polyline, thus any wide polyline will come through as a set of normal line segments.If they are on a special layer, you could try changing the pen width assigned to that layer in Revit.
The missing diameter symbol is probably a special character drawn in an shx font on the dwg side. Since Revit uses only True Type fonts, a character created with %% sequence or by some other method that does not create an ASCII code will not be correctly interpreted. These will generally be drawn as rectangles.
Certain True Type fonts have more available characters than others. You might try changing the font on the Revit side.

2008-09-04, 04:22 AM
I am having the same problem with Polylines. Has there been a solution since this was posted? or did you find an answer Gerhard?

2008-09-04, 07:32 AM
As you noticed these posts were made in June of 2004...four years ago. Polylines are still unsupported in Revit. Symbols are the same system now as then too. Sorry no new news.

2008-09-25, 09:40 PM
So is there a way to get a wide polyline look? I adjusted the line weight, but a max value of 16 is nowhere near the thickness I need. Plus it loses it's dashed look on prints when the max lineweight of 16 is used. We need wide colored lines to use as wall tapes for fire rated walls on a life safety plan. Please help.

2008-09-25, 09:45 PM
Take a look at Filters. You can apply an override of Solid Fill on the walls and use a color for this with a Filter.

Scott Womack
2008-09-26, 10:49 AM
Just had a small setback, when I realised, that polylines and text of imported dwg files to show diffrent then in the original ( Autocad)

Polyline lost witdh and in the text, the diameter sign turn square

Any way of adjusting that, or should the consultant print the files directly??

Appart for the printjob, I would like to have the consultants file imported, so to have really all of the building in one file.


Revit has nothing to compare with polyline with width. There is no good work-around for that. Possible manually using the linework tool (If it works on linked AutoCAD files?)

As for the text, the consultant should be told to use a TTF font, with no AutoCAD %%__ commands embedded. They can then use the font table within windows to get the special characters to appear. These will then come into Revit correctly.