View Full Version : Can I Save a Selection Set

2006-08-08, 05:43 PM
Quick question. Is it possible to do a "save select" or similar command in Revit?

2006-08-08, 06:24 PM
If you make a Group of the objects you can save it out to an external file... closest you're going to get I think.

2006-08-08, 07:17 PM
Sounds sinple enough. I tried it. but how do you open the .rvg group file?

2006-08-08, 07:19 PM
Sounds sinple enough. I tried it. but how do you open the .rvg group file?
You don't.
The group files can only be edited with a project. So you can use the *.rvg file to move information from one project to another, but then updates to that group are made while working on the project.

If you want you can load it in a blank project for editing.

2006-08-08, 07:26 PM
Does that mean the .rvg file can be loaded into a blank project and be ungrouped to serve the new blank project? What I need to to take a building shell out of one project and then insert it into a new blank project. I don't need anything else in the original project except for the building shell. If I could group the entire building shell, save it out of the original project, and bring it into another project, ungroup it, and then work on it solely in the blank project, that would be the ideal senerio.

2006-08-08, 07:32 PM
Does that mean the .rvg file can be loaded into a blank project and be ungrouped to serve the new blank project? What I need to to take a building shell out of one project and then insert it into a new blank project. I don't need anything else in the original project except for the building shell. If I could group the entire building shell, save it out of the original project, and bring it into another project, ungroup it, and then work on it solely in the blank project, that would be the ideal senerio.
That will work just fine. The only advice I would give is: Set up the levels in the new project first with the same names used in the previous project. This will reduce the warnings and errors you might get as things try to find their correct level. You can adjust the levels later....

2006-08-08, 07:32 PM
Hehe, nevermind, I simple copy and paste job will be the trick.

2006-08-08, 07:35 PM
Thanks Aaron, quick question though, in regards to grouping, how do I open the .rvg file iteslf, is it imported into the blank project?

2006-08-08, 11:00 PM
Thanks Aaron, quick question though, in regards to grouping, how do I open the .rvg file iteslf, is it imported into the blank project?

Load Group from the File - Load From Library-

2006-08-09, 11:07 PM
You will then have to go down through your Project Browser, into the Group heading, select the group you've imported, and drag it into your view window (plan, elevation, detail, etc.).