View Full Version : Sun info independent in different views

2006-08-09, 06:05 PM
Given say 10 different exterior views, with shadows all turned on, we go to any one, right click, properties, yada yada, set the sun info to get the shadows we want in that view only. Now we go to any other view and the settings are the same. We are going to the properties of the particular view, but the sun info seems to be global. Is there any way to make the sun settings apply to a particular view only? This is becoming a huge problem for us during design, not to mention the no shadows for interiors bug. Any help is greatly appreciated.


2006-08-09, 06:11 PM
You can make as many shadow schemes as you like and then apply each one to one view or several.

For floor plans I may have one set up for first floor plans and then another for second floors.

I might use one scheme for several view from the south and then another for several views from the north.

If you want each one to work independently - then you'll need a new scheme for each view.