View Full Version : Objects auto annotating themselves.

2006-08-10, 12:42 PM
(warning this is a random thought, totally unresearch)

Ok, I was sitting in class yesterday learning about keynotes, not really paying attention because we don't use them. The intructor, almost in passing, showed us the three tag options, with a box, without a box, and text instead of numbers. Whoa, all of a sudden I was paying rapt attention and scribbling furiously in my notebook. Text instead of the numbers? I started having a fantasy about never having to annotate a set ever again, which is probablly my least favorite thing to do in acad. In my fantasy a little upfront legwork assigning information to materials, and playing around with the family, and I could account for 90 percent of notes that may come up, and be able to willy nilly add notes just by touching things in my drawing. Even better, I could "gasp" have a note in more than one place in a set and never have to worry if I found them all when it changed.

So, I know I am not the first person to think this would be very cool, is there a good blog or post where I can read about what others are doing along these lines? I think detail components would be the tricky part? Thanks for any help or thoughts.

2006-08-10, 10:09 PM
Reply From: Danny P.
Date: Feb/02/05 - 23:29 (GMT)

[/url] Re: Key notes and schedules

Click here: http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=6 (http://discussion.autodesk.com/post!reply.jspa?messageID=4283521)
On the right side, just above the first post, there's a "Search this
Forum" dropdown where you can search for "keynotes".

Here's some of the results:
[url]http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=13575 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=13575)
http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7408 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7408)
There are others of course.

Don't know if these help or not- haven't read them-not too focused today! :Puffy:

2006-08-10, 11:09 PM
Don't know if these help or not- haven't read them-not too focused today! :Puffy:

Nice puffy! I am not very focused today either. Thanks for the links, I was just sitting down to browse through old posts to see if I could get a handle on how the gurus maximize their Reviteering efficiancy.