View Full Version : my diminsions don't match

2006-08-10, 04:23 PM
Can anybody tell me why my dim's don't match. From grid A to D the dim string shows 58'-0" but from A-B I get 4'-8 1/8", B-C 27'-0", and C-D 26'-4" which equals 58'-0 1/8". I can't figure it out the extra 1/8" dim jumps from grids A-B to C-D if I move stuff. Please help if you can. I attached an image if it helps.


2006-08-10, 04:27 PM
You probably have your units (either project or dimension) set to round to the nearest 1/8... this will happen if you're not careful when you're placing objects. You can either make the dimensions accurate by relocating geometry (the earlier you catch this the better) or stop closing your dimension strings (an age old rule that doesn't seem to be followed much anymore <sigh>)

2006-08-10, 04:44 PM
Got it, I was looking for dimension units not project units. Thanks for the help.

2006-08-10, 04:52 PM
Check the accuracy of your linear measurements, both in project and for that particular dimension style.