View Full Version : Annotation - Keep Readable

2006-08-10, 07:26 PM
I've created a generic annotation with a label and set the parameter Keep Readable to True but when I import the annotation into a project the text rotates when I rotate the annotation family when it should "keep readable" or stay upright. Any suggestions?

2006-08-10, 08:33 PM
I am not surte that the 'keep readable' parameter is what you want. I don't even know what that actually does - I think it has to do with text scale.

What you want to do is edit the Tag family, go to the top menu - settings: family category and parameters and then uncheck the 'rotate with component' check box.

that should do it.

2006-08-10, 09:19 PM
Text still rotates. Maybe I missunderstand and Revit doesn't allow annotation text to stay upright when the annotation is rotated.

2006-08-10, 10:25 PM
"Readable" means when nearly horizontal, text stays horizontal reading left to right. When nearly vertical text rotates vertical and reads bottom to top. The same as convention dictates in hand drafting etc.

2006-08-10, 10:52 PM
So I rotated the annotation slightly and the text doesn't adjust to the horizontal... Mystifying.

2006-08-10, 11:32 PM
Sorry bad explanation... Without the Keep Readable parameter the text will rotate with the symbol and the text will become upside down. With the text will flip so it is "easier" to read. It does not stay horizontal despite the rotation of the symbol, sorry to have implied that.

2006-08-11, 12:23 AM
got it straight now, thanks steve.

2008-08-26, 05:40 AM
After reading many different threads I finally got an answer to this problem - or a combination of answers which together solve it:

Text in a Generic Annotation tag (ie a symbol) does not behave like other tag types - it may rotate freely with the the symbol, so that for example a "6" will look like a "9" if the symbol is upside down. We need the text to read only horizontally or vertically from the right (as most tag text does)
The "Keep readable" property in the label has no effect.

1. Tick the "Keep readable" property under "Settings" menu "Family categories and parameters" (but not the rotate with component).
2. If it still does not work, rename the type of the label so that when you reload into project it creates a new text style.

I hope this helps someone else . . . .?

2017-01-03, 02:42 PM
Hi twaldock,

yes it works!