View Full Version : 3D Views "Oriented" to other views reset on Saveas?

Scott D Davis
2006-08-10, 09:12 PM
We have a project, where we wanted to use some elevations, but needed the glass to be transparent. So we set up 3D views, using the tool View>Orient>To other View, and selected North, south, etc to create new elevations. Works great.

Problem is, we did a SaveAs on the file, and upon opening the new file, all the Oreinted Views reverted back to the original {3D} view.

Anyone else confirm this behavior? I'm about to file a support request......

2006-08-10, 10:21 PM
After you changed these views did you use the View menu > Orient > Save View? You need to in order to preserve the changes. Except for the default {3D} view, which Revit "owns" and won't let you save. It will always ask you for a new view name if you do. If you delete the {3D} view, Revit will recreate it the next time you click the 3D "House" button on the toolbar.