View Full Version : Custom Icons lost with change to .cui & a Profile aside

2006-08-12, 12:19 AM
I have a custom main.cui file (modified copy of main .cui file with numerous custom toolbar icons & flyout toolbars), which is in the default Support folder for the .cui files along with all my .bmp files for the custom icons, my custom .mnr files (exact same names as my main custom .cui file, my custom partial express tools .cui file loaded on top of the main custom .cui file, and my .arg files (Autocad Profiles).

As an aside, Profiles or.arg files are not mentioned often (preferring to keep a low profile, pun intended), but they are quite useful. Here's a summary of what an arg file does:
1. Setting a particular .arg file current, also loads a particular menu file associated with the .arg file (a .cui file ACAD 06 & later & a particular .mnu or .mns file pre ACAD 06)
2. Retains many System Variable settings shown in the Options Dialog Box.
3. Retain many Dialog Box sizes and Command Line Background Color
4. While ACAD 06 Workspaces store Toolbar locations & location & number of lines displayed on the Command Line, Profiles held this information pre ACAD 06.

Autodesk has done a poor job of documenting the complete functioning of profiles, particularly in relation to how custom .arg files relate to the new Workspaces feature in ACAD 06, so I offer this summary to clarify.

If I modify my custom main .cui file by changing the order of a non-custom icon tool on a toolbar, All my custom icons are replaced by the dreaded ? icon. In the CUI, the Properties Pane Images shows the correct path for the custom Icon, but shows the ? Icon for the button image. A recent post of mine describes a very similar problem.

For those of you who may be able to help, Please read this post carefully to detect any essential information I may have not mentioned & prompt me for it. Also, I'd I like to navigate to the place on Autodesk's website site that could possibly offer a fix to this error, but I can't seem to find it.

2006-08-12, 12:45 AM

Have you seen and reviewed the information presented in the following threads...

Custom Toolbar icons show as ? marks

Clouds with question marks in my Toolbar instead of icons

Custom CUI and custom toolbar icons

Missing Toolbar Images - show as "?" marks

Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-12, 12:59 AM
yes, I have & they don't help.

2006-08-12, 01:05 AM
I have a custom main.cui file (modified copy of main .cui file with numerous custom toolbar icons & flyout toolbars), which is in the default Support folder for the .cui files along with all my .bmp files for the custom icons, my custom .mnr files (exact same names as my main custom .cui file, my custom partial express tools .cui file loaded on top of the main custom .cui file, and my .arg files (Autocad Profiles).



Are custom main.cui file and main custom .cui file two different CUI files OR one in the same ?

Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-14, 02:09 AM
Mike, I understand your confusion, I unintentionally referred to the same main .cui file I have loaded with two different names, as you have bolded the text in my original post.
They are one in the same. I took the default main.cui file, copied it, renamed it, loaded it to be my main.cui file, & customized it. With that clarification, hopefully we can make some headway in solving my problem, thanks.

2006-08-15, 04:41 AM

Try the information found HERE ( <- take note of the statement in brackets ) and HERE and HERE.

If still no joy, you might think about posting the CUI file in question ( and some of the custom icon .BMP files ), here on the forums. Would allow others to review the issue / problem, first-hand.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-16, 12:59 AM
I could not atttach my custom main .cui file due to the 1k limit, but I have attached a Word doc. highlighting all the applicable files in Windows Explorer (all in Support Folder).
Notice the custom icon 3DARRAY in one of the CUI screen captures. You can see the path highlighted.

2006-08-16, 01:07 AM
I could not atttach my custom main .cui file due to the 1k limit, but I have attached a Word doc. highlighting all the applicable files in Windows Explorer (all in Support Folder).
Notice the custom icon 3DARRAY in one of the CUI screen captures. You can see the path highlighted.Hi

Hmmm, are you sure... I only ask as the file size limit for CUI on the forums is set to 1 MB.

If you still experience problems, you could place the CUI file in question ( and some of the custom icon .BMP files ), into a ZIP file and attach that.

Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-16, 11:57 PM
I said 1K limit, but I meant 1MB limit, my .cui is 2MB and I don't have a file compression program on this computer. Are the screen captures on my previously attached Word.doc helpful in diagnosing my problem?

2006-08-18, 09:37 PM

See if the following information via Lee Ambrosius helps...

Mail Bag - Why When Sharing a CUI File Do the Icons Not Appear Correctly? (http://hyperpics.blogs.com/beyond_the_ui/2006/08/mailbag_why_whe.html)

Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-19, 11:45 PM
Again, look at the screen captures, & you will see the custom.bmp files are in the Support Folder as the .cui and .mnr files.

2006-08-20, 02:33 AM
Again, look at the screen captures, & you will see the custom.bmp files are in the Support Folder as the .cui and .mnr files.Hi

I take it, that did not help...

Below snippet from THIS post...

If you still experience problems, you could place the CUI file in question ( and some of the custom icon .BMP files ), into a ZIP file and attach that.Have a good one, Mike

2006-08-22, 01:41 AM
I was finally able to compress the files you requested.

2006-08-22, 02:41 PM
The problem is because AutoCAD is looking in the following locations for your icons. If you remove the pathing as my blog posting suggests the problem is resolved. AutoCAD does not resolve the location of absolute paths for images, only relative paths. Remove the paths so just the file name is in the Small image and Large image properties for commands and the problem goes a way.

C:\Documents and Settings\media\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2006\R16.2\enu\Support\

C:\Documents and Settings\staff\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2006\R16.2\enu\Support\

The fastest way is to do a find and replace on the CUI file directly using Wordpad to remove the paths, but is also very dangerous as you could end up with a corrupt CUI file if not careful. So make sure you back the CUI file up first.