View Full Version : Linked Models

2006-08-14, 02:13 PM
I have 4 small models linked into one project and have made a few changes to those models inside their respective projects, however the linked project isn't updating. I thought if you had a linked project and then updated the original that the linked version would also show those changes, or am I wrong?

2006-08-14, 05:56 PM
Unfortuantly, updated links are not "live". You need to go to Manage Links and Reload each link you've updated. However, the updates will be there if you close the file and reopen it.

The main file should be able to monitor the linked files and at least notify us that changes have been made to the other files and give us the option to reload "on-the-fly". This should be a wish list item.

2006-08-14, 06:15 PM
Yep I just found "Manage Links" which is kind of slow but much better than having to redo the link and readjust the position each model.