View Full Version : Stair Surface Pattern

2006-08-16, 01:14 PM
Here is the deal:

Roof plan - setting view range depth down to grade
Exterior stairs have a brick tread

I do NOT want to see the brick pattern in the roof plan but I cannot find a way to remove that much like a surface pattern on walls.

Any idea?

2006-08-16, 02:09 PM
In your roof plan, type VG for Visibility Graphics. Scroll down to "Roofs" and expand the list. You will see "Surface Pattern". Uncheck this and you should be set.


2006-08-16, 02:26 PM
The Surface Pattern subcategory for the Roof Controls the surface pattern on the roof object. The problem is to remove the surface pattern on the Stairs object, but Stairs does not have a Surface Pattern subcategory.

2006-08-17, 12:42 AM
Stairs are shown symbolically in plan views - no surface patterns in Roof Plan or Floor Level Plans. Unless you use a 3D view, oriented to Top.

2006-08-17, 01:39 PM
It turns out, that when the stairs are within the Primary Range, and shown in Projection, the surface pattern does not show. However, I wanted to show my porch stairs with light, dashed lines so I stopped the Primary Range at the porch roof and set the View Depth to grade. When the stairs are shown Beyond, the surface pattern shows up.

(CADMama and i are working on the same problem)

2006-08-17, 10:26 PM
Have you tried an underlay, picking the stair outline using the beyond line style, with the primary and view depth set at the porch roof level ?

It turns out, that when the stairs are within the Primary Range, and shown in Projection, the surface pattern does not show. However, I wanted to show my porch stairs with light, dashed lines so I stopped the Primary Range at the porch roof and set the View Depth to grade. When the stairs are shown Beyond, the surface pattern shows up.

(CADMama and i are working on the same problem)