View Full Version : Attic Ventilation Calculation

2006-08-16, 06:15 PM
Has anyone developed a good schedule and process for caclulating the requried attic ventilation? Keeping in mind multiple roofs, such as when there is an existing and you had to duplicate it to allow for new openings etc.


2006-08-16, 08:08 PM
I haven't tried this yet, but couldn't you have a roof schedule and split your roofs up by zone if they are vented separately? Then just have the schedule do the appropriate math (IBC is 1sf venting / 150 sf area) for whats required?

Like I said, I haven't tried it yet, but seems simple enough.

2006-08-16, 10:12 PM
Thanks Jake.

2015-04-09, 06:59 PM
These Revit Schedules are a room schedule filtered for the room named Attic and a soffit schedule that includes a soffit pretending to be the ridge vent. The soffits model across the whole roof including the eaves to get the required area. The ridge vent is a narrow soffit at the ridge the length of the ridge minus the width of the boundary. I have included the stand alone schedules with no model at www.revitcity.com . I have also included my model. The math formulas are in the schedules and can be modified per required code. The formula for the ridge vent is the perimeter of the ridge / 2. The ridge boundary is as narrow as possible so I can get a length value. Conditional values are set to black out the values if the manufacture is not who I need it to be. I think it’s pretty cool. If you have any questions feel free to email me at ***. Enjoy

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