View Full Version : ADT model into Revit

2004-06-10, 03:55 PM
I have an older Version ADT model of the underground portion of this huge facility. I am going to model the above grade portion of this building in Revit. After I get the above grade portion finished, I'd like to import the ADT 3d model into Revit, place it, and take sections, elevations and 3d views of the whole model (above and below grade). I try bringing in the ADT 3d model into Revit and get an error stating:

"Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX, ACIS, and some proprietary components cannot be imported. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD, or setting PROXYGRAPHICS to 1."

Do I really want to explode the ADT 3d model? I really don't want to spend the time remodeling the underground building. What is the best way to bring this ADT 3d model into Revit?

Thanks for the help

2004-06-10, 04:29 PM
Off the top of my head, I would try saving the ADT model as a DXF, and then start a new project in Revit, import the DXF and then save that project. Then link that project into the new Revit file you are working on...keep in mind I have never used ADT.:roll:


2004-06-10, 04:43 PM
Thanks Greg, I'll try that and see if it works any better.

BTW, If you have never used ADT, you are missing out on the joy of not using that program any longer. It is amazing how much smarter and easier to use Revit is. I never realized just how difficult ADT was.

2004-06-10, 04:57 PM
Keep me posted on how this works...I have never tried it, but it is similar to what I would do with, say, a Sketchup model, except that I would import the sketchup model into a revit family or into an in-place family of the correct type.

2004-06-10, 06:49 PM
Griff, there is also the tool 'AECOBJEXPLODE' as well as some esoteric command that saves down as a 2000 DWG (some babble like 'SAVETOVERSION2000' or something). Both will 'dumb down' the model some, and might work for what you want.

Another, but more conviluted, route to try would be to export your ADT model as a 3DS, then import it back into AutoCAD and then save it down as a DWG.

Problem is that all those AEC Objects in ADT are being created on the fly (kinda) by the ObjectARX stuff. That's why you have to have the proper Object Enabler to see that data if you're not working in the same AutoCAD verical application. Reivt doesn't yet have anything that can deal with ObjectARX, so those item's don't show. However ADT is limited in the fact that there isn't an easy way to export these ObjectARX elements to a simple 3D model. We've run into this same issue trying to bring data from ABS into Revit- it's like pulling teeth to get a simple, stupid, but proper 3D model out of ABS.