View Full Version : Keynote 101

Chirag Mistry
2006-08-18, 01:22 PM
Hi all,

We are having some discussions around in the office about keynote and tags.
I am a little confused as to what should be used and when, especially the revit 9 keynote feature. I understand that in some instances they both could serve the same purpose.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me.

Thanks in advance.

2006-08-19, 12:49 AM
While you may have already read the help docs about keynoting, if you haven't take a look if you get a chance. The attached image is from the help section addressing Keynotes.

2006-08-20, 12:34 AM
Right now we've been using keynotes for objects that can't be tagged (e.g. railings, roofs, etc.) but tags for everything else. The advantage of keynotes is that you can preassign them to yoru families and you can use a user keynote on the fly to assign any note you want to any object.

I think our long term plan will be to use keynotes for everything as we continue to develop our keynote library and reserve tags for only things that we schedule (doors, windows, casework).

I'm curious to hear what others are doing.