View Full Version : Sheet Index

2006-08-18, 09:56 PM
A cool gizmo would be a way to take the sheet list and place it directly on a sheet (Title sheet) giving us a truly parametric and placeable sheet index. While you're at it, in addition, it would be nice to be able to have a sheet count appear in the title block families to chronologically number all the sheets in a set.

2006-08-18, 10:10 PM
you can put the sheet list on any sheet you like, just drag it on from the project browser. Better yet, format it how you want and put it on your title sheet in your template, then you'll never have to do a sheet list again, it will fill itself out as you make sheets.

Sheet count, however, you can't do to my knowledge yet. wonder if the api could help with this... Anyone who knows anything about the api able to help?

2006-08-19, 12:20 AM
you can put the sheet list on any sheet you like, just drag it on from the project browser. Better yet, format it how you want and put it on your title sheet in your template, then you'll never have to do a sheet list again, it will fill itself out as you make sheets.
Just tried it, and although I had to create a view of the list and then drag it onto a sheet, at least now I know I can do it. Was not able to just drag it from the Project Browser and then drop it onto a sheet though. Is that what you meant?

Regardless, the further into Revit I get (4th month so far), the less I ever want to even think about ADT and ACAD again. Its just stunningly good.


2006-08-19, 12:35 AM
Thread moved back to Revit general...

Sheet count, just add the Count field to the Drawing List. See Attached

2006-08-19, 08:11 PM
Regardless, the further into Revit I get (4th month so far), the less I ever want to even think about ADT and ACAD again. Its just stunningly good.



2006-08-20, 02:15 AM
Remember also, to sort sheets in the list arbitrarily, make a hidden parameter (integer) and sort on that. Thus, C1 can come before A1,

2006-08-20, 05:58 PM
Remember also, to sort sheets in the list arbitrarily, make a hidden parameter (integer) and sort on that. Thus, C1 can come before A1,
Just curious. When you did this (we did something similar so we can group our sheets according to NCS method), how did you create your parameter? Did you use an integer? Once you created the parameter, did you assign sequential numbers to each sheet? If so, and you added a sheet, how did you avoid renumbering everything? What did you do about consultant sheets.

We have a method that solves this (and as soon as I get this documented in some clear fashion and the tutorial created for our users, I will share) but I am curious what methods others are using to get the sheets in order. For me, the trickiest was getting our consultant sheets in our set (particularly when they come as PLT, PDF, TIFF or other), getting the index for everything as a single entity instead of bunches of little schedules, and figuring out how to avoid renumbering everything when one page was added to a several hundred sheet set. Ended up with one INDEX schedule (for the sheet itself with all the stuff hidden) and an INDEX MANAGER schedule to organize everything but ultimately got it to work effectively. Seems better than lots of filtered schedules and seems we can pre-load into our template also.

Just interested in how you addressed these issues. Thanks.

2006-08-20, 06:18 PM
Probably the quickest way to create a sheet that has various settings you want to use again is to Copy to Clipboard and Paste From Clipboard within the Project Browser.

2006-08-20, 07:03 PM
Just curious. When you did this (we did something similar so we can group our sheets according to NCS method), how did you create your parameter? Did you use an integer? Once you created the parameter, did you assign sequential numbers to each sheet? If so, and you added a sheet, how did you avoid renumbering everything? What did you do about consultant sheets.

We have a method that solves this (and as soon as I get this documented in some clear fashion and the tutorial created for our users, I will share) but I am curious what methods others are using to get the sheets in order. For me, the trickiest was getting our consultant sheets in our set (particularly when they come as PLT, PDF, TIFF or other), getting the index for everything as a single entity instead of bunches of little schedules, and figuring out how to avoid renumbering everything when one page was added to a several hundred sheet set. Ended up with one INDEX schedule (for the sheet itself with all the stuff hidden) and an INDEX MANAGER schedule to organize everything but ultimately got it to work effectively. Seems better than lots of filtered schedules and seems we can pre-load into our template also.

Just interested in how you addressed these issues. Thanks.
Would the following approach do what you want?

Create a new integer parameter applicable to drawing sheets. Call it Discipline Rank.
Create drawing list. Include Sheet Number and Discipline Rank. Sort/Group by Discipline Rank and then by Sheet Number.
Then, while looking at spreadsheet view of drawing list fill in Discipline Rank for all existing sheets. Assign 1 for Civil sheets and 2 for Architectural sheets.
Modify properties of drawing list to make Discipline Rank parameter hidden.
When new sheets are added use properties dialog to assign Discipline Rank.

If Discipline Rank is sorted in accenting order you will end up with all civil sheets in front of architectural sheets and you won't need to do massive changes when new sheets are added or deleted.

In practice you probably need to come up with more elaborate scheme for numbering Discipline Rank which will account for all kinds of sheets that you need to handle. It may be a good idea to base this scheme on National CAD Standards.


2006-08-20, 07:24 PM
What about Consultant's sheets? How would those be added to the index?

2006-08-20, 10:42 PM
Would the following approach do what you want?
This was essentially what I did with a few modifications.

Regarding consultants, we set up the template with a few common sheets for us and some "dummy" sheets for consultants. These dummy sheets never have content but at least this allows the team to edit the consultant list at the last minute (not, of course, that the sheet list ever changes at the eleventh hour). Good QC check also and something our Admin staff can do in the project as well as the project team. No need to print the "dummy" sheets either...

We pre-set the numbering system in anticipation of NCS content we include and added a decimal within the number for oddities. Example is highlighted - electrical consultants that separate power with an EP prefix but that we still want sorted under electrical. Also means that no one has to re-invent the numbering system with each project. Architectural is always 6 whether we have demolition or not. Simplifies life.

Mostly, I was just curious how others solved the problem. Thanks.

2006-08-24, 05:58 PM
I have all the sorting and extra parameter things in check. However, I have another issue at hand. I don't want to hiJack the current topic line but I thought I would try this thread since it is just labeled 'Sheet Index' and thought this would be an appropriate question.

I have a need to make the drawing index multiple columns (so that it will fit on the cover sheet). One column = Sheet #, name, revision stuff, etc. Any ideas on what to do here? Every workaround I can think of requires 2 drawing lists... and we all know that's not possible.



2006-08-24, 06:02 PM
I have a need to make the drawing index multiple columns (so that it will fit on the cover sheet). One column = Sheet #, name, revision stuff, etc. Any ideas on what to do here?
Sometimes, I know an answer without having to search my memory. :) Go to the Help Menu and enter Split Schedule in the Search field. Shows how to do this. Clip attached.

2006-08-24, 06:30 PM
Thanks Phyllis. I hate those answers that you can't see even though they are right in front of you.

2006-08-25, 07:53 PM
I've setup sheets in a similar manner using the a sequence that uses an integer to define discipline and then the sheet number itself for sorting. We used double digits in order to subdivide the disciplines even more like so:

01 Cover Sheet
10-19 Civil
20-29 Arch
60-69 Mechanical

2006-08-25, 10:17 PM
Here's what mine looks like, makes it a little easier for the end user to understand, one on the left goes on the sheet, other one manages the madness...the Sort Order parameter is just text rather than an integer, this way the user doesn't have to understand the order

2006-08-25, 10:43 PM
...makes it a little easier for the end user to understand ... this way the user doesn't have to understand the order
Very nice. I am planning to shamelessly steal your idea... Just never thought about using the alphanumeric sorting capabilities with text.

2009-01-06, 12:13 AM
How did you guys add the line in your sheet index that shows the title of the dicipline? Both of the images show the titles in gray fields.
I am sure it's a standard setting but I can not figure it out.

2009-01-06, 12:33 AM
See attached file, it's simply the sheet discipline parameter sorted by header

Scott Womack
2009-01-06, 11:24 AM
Regarding consultants, we set up the template with a few common sheets for us and some "dummy" sheets for consultants. These dummy sheets never have content but at least this allows the team to edit the consultant list at the last minute (not, of course, that the sheet list ever changes at the eleventh hour). Good QC check also and something our Admin staff can do in the project as well as the project team. No need to print the "dummy" sheets either...

I too started this way. Now we have a Separate File that has a number of Dummy sheets in it for each of the consultant disciplines in it. All it has other than those is a piece of invisible line dead center of the project. We then link this file into our actual project, and set the drawing list to read linked files. Since this is set up with the same parameters as our title block, (in fact it is the normal title block) They read into the Drawing list. Since they are in a separate file, they can never be accidentally plotted from the regular Revit Project, and anyone can edit this project specific copy each time we get consultant's files sent in.

2009-01-06, 07:27 PM
Thank you for the attachment. I will have to play with it to see how you mage the parameter a title.

2009-01-06, 08:52 PM
how about the sheet index schedule? It automatically creates the sheet index and you can apply parameters to it. All of our Architectural sheets already have numbers!

2009-01-07, 06:42 PM
Is there a way to bring the general sheets in the architectural discipline to the front of the list?
The general Architectural sheets have sheet numbers: A001, A101 and so on, but my general sheets are: AG00, AG001 and so on.
Important: I would like to NOT have a new discipline heading for these, since they are Architectural sheets
I am attaching an image of the index I made. Does anyone have a suggestion?

2009-01-07, 08:11 PM
make an extra parameter called "sub-discipline" or "order" or something like that, and sort by that after discipline. Then set the general sheets to 1, and the others to 2. You will have to add it to your schedule but make it a hidden column. Let me know if you need more detail...

2009-01-08, 01:35 AM
How did I not think of that. Thanks.
I do believe there is no way to change the font type for only the discipline headings, correct? I hope it's on the wish list.
Thanks for your help.

2009-01-08, 03:12 PM
That's correct. You have seperate settings for the headers across the top and the body, which includes the discipline headings, but that's it.

Would be nice to have a little more graphic control over schedule display, although it's better than it was several releases ago when there was no lineweight control and only one font if I recall correctly.

2009-01-08, 04:59 PM
how about the sheet index schedule? It automatically creates the sheet index and you can apply parameters to it. All of our Architectural sheets already have numbers!

1st. you can create 2 new parameters. one called discipline and the other sheet order.

2nd you create 2 drawing lists. one standard (sorted by sheet order) and another with only the sheet number, discipline and sheet order fields. you need to leave the "itemize every instance" box unchecked. This will allow you to change the sheet order for all the sheets by discipline. as you add new sheets (they do not have discipline or sheet order assigned) the sheet number appears and you can then assign the discipline and sheet order