View Full Version : Text editing

2006-08-20, 01:56 PM
Some text questions:

1. Is it possible to have dimension text appear beneath the dimension line? - I can see in the properties where prefix and suffix text is easily added to the dimension but not a below the line entry. Is there a string like in AutoCAD that does it? ie. <>\X is the AutoCAD method.

Note: simply adding a text note as a workaround is ok but it then isn't integral to the dimension.

2. Can text be obliqued to make isometric notes that look part of the isometric theme? In particular, 30deg oblique and 30deg rotation.

3. Is there a 'underlying' text editor (like the Plant Editor or Materials Editor are 'underlying') that I am not seeing which provides a detailed range of text options?

I have searched the help file but have not had any luck - not unusual for me.


2006-08-20, 03:30 PM
Some text questions:

1. Is it possible to have dimension text appear beneath the dimension line? - I can see in the properties where prefix and suffix text is easily added to the dimension but not a below the line entry. Is there a string like in AutoCAD that does it? ie. <>\X is the AutoCAD method.

Note: simply adding a text note as a workaround is ok but it then isn't integral to the dimension.

2. Can text be obliqued to make isometric notes that look part of the isometric theme? In particular, 30deg oblique and 30deg rotation.

3. Is there a 'underlying' text editor (like the Plant Editor or Materials Editor are 'underlying') that I am not seeing which provides a detailed range of text options?

I have searched the help file but have not had any luck - not unusual for me.

1) Not that I'm aware of. I noticed also that the help documentation lists Type Properties such as "Text Alignment" and "Place Text Abive or Below Dimension Line" that do not exist! Or at least I must be looking in the wrong spot.....Inmy type properties all I have that comes close to this is "Read Convention".

2) Not that I'm aware of.

3) Nope. Sorry for the negative answers! :(

2006-08-20, 11:47 PM
Thanks mate. I appreciate the reply.

I am a fairly new user and am finding new features nearly everyday. AutoCAD now has a fantastic text editor and I was hopeful there was one somewhere in Revit that I had not yet stumbled across - never mind, maybe in a future release.
