View Full Version : Elements Deleted during Copy command

2006-08-21, 02:14 PM
I've figured out that when copying a bunch of entities that includes a dimension, you sometimes get the weird message above with reference to using Edit Paste, which of course is inappropriate for the situation.

I always go back and re-copy just the dimension (or just recreate it). Anyone know if this is a software glitch?

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-08-21, 03:02 PM
As far as I know this will/should only happen under two circumstances;

Certain model elements won't be copied from one location to another if they can't find an equivalent host in the new location
Dimensions won't be copied if there is no equivalent element for them to reference in the new location
Are you saying you are not getting model elements to copy (ie they are not being recreated at the new location) or that thye are being deleted in the existing location?

2006-08-21, 06:06 PM
I think I just figured out the pattern as you said, it is #2.
The dimension was "referenced" to an object not copied, so it failed to copy.
Too used to AutoCAD and "semi-smart" dimensions.

2006-08-21, 06:17 PM
On numerous occasions I've tried to copy a window straight across in a wall in elevation and it says "Objects will be deleted" and won't copy them. I have to place every window individually and make all the sill heights the same and get the placement correct in plan using the sketch dimensions.

2006-08-27, 07:30 PM
On numerous occasions I've tried to copy a window straight across in a wall in elevation and it says "Objects will be deleted" and won't copy them. I have to place every window individually and make all the sill heights the same and get the placement correct in plan using the sketch dimensions.
Have you tried using the "Copy" command, rather than "Copy to Clipboard"? If that isn't working, make sure that the wall is perpendicular to the view direction.