View Full Version : Scheduling with In-Place Family elements - How?

2006-08-21, 06:28 PM
I have a lot of curved walls created as In-Place Sweeps. I need to do a schedule of the total wall areas for estimating the cost of interior wall paneling. But there's no area information from these In-Place Walls like the the regular walls. How I go about doing this?
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

Steve Mintz
2006-08-22, 04:00 PM
When you created each wall, did you make sure to select "Walls" in Family Categories and Parameters? I did this with a little straight line wall segment, and was able to schedule it with no problem.

1) Click on each instance of the In-Place family
2) Click Edit
3) Go to Settings -> Family Categories and Parameters
4) Select Walls
5) Click OK, Finish Family

If you don't mind me asking, why did you model your Walls as sweeps?

2006-08-22, 06:02 PM

Thanks for help. I followed your suggestion - but still no AREA info in the properties list. Please take a look of the attached file.

As you can see, my wall is curved in plan, but also tilted in space. by Sweep, I can specify the Path and Profile. I am doing an auditorium job and I have a lot irregular geometries like this to handle.

Any further suggestions are greatly appreciated.


2006-08-22, 06:31 PM

Try this.

Rather than using in-place sweeps, go to the massing menu, and create the wall as a mass (same solid modeling used for the in-place family, i.e. sweep with path and profile).

Then convert the mass to walls using the wall by face command.

They'll schedule properly then...

2006-08-22, 08:46 PM
Thanks. "Wall by Face" worked. The negative is that, my wall is no longer one continuous form. I now have many facets of walls from "Wall by Face" based on Mass Object.

I think I should keep my original In-place Wall and make another set using the "Wall by Face" method only for scheduleing purpose.

Thanks to all who replied.

Steve Mintz
2006-08-24, 04:17 PM
bzeng -

I downloaded your file and made no changes to it. When I set up my wall schedule, I was able to get the area parameter scheduled (as shown in the screen capture).

This is what you want , yes?

I'll leave it in your hands to verify that the area being reported is correct. I have no idea if Revit is counting all surfaces which make up this object, just the interior surface, using a straightline estimation, etc.

Hope this helps!