View Full Version : Filtering Wall Sweeps

2006-08-24, 12:32 AM
Is it possible to filter wall sweeps in V/G? I have successfully set up filters for selecting Generic Model families, but I can't seem to figure out how to filter sweeps. It doesn't seem to be possible to filter for wall subcategories. I have accent bands going around the building and I'm using Advanced model Graphics overrides to make the elevations pop (sihouette edges), but unfortunately now I have a disaster because of all the wall sweeps (why in the world these take on silhouette edges is beyond me, especially because they are flush with the wall face). I don't want to resort to cleaning linework and was hoping to filter the sweeps and assign a lighter lineweight.

On the topic of filters, they would be more useable to me it they also controlled the wireframe/hidden line property of objects, or perhaps there was a function to turn objects into a transparent silhouette. For example, I have canopies infront of the building which I'm showing in the overall elevations, but I want to see through them in the enlarged elevations. of course I can use worksets or filter to turn these off, but then I'd have to add some dashed linework to show where they are in relation to the overall elevations. With filters I can make them dashed, but they still mask what's beyond them.

2006-08-24, 03:34 AM
What filter criteria are you using? Could you not filter them by 'type name', or 'contains' if there are a whole bunch of them?

I have noticed that in place sweeps as well as railing seem to have a habit of misbehaving, although more so when using section boxes.

2006-08-24, 03:39 AM
Well, that's my question...there is no sweep object to filter for. Wall sweeps are a subcategory of walls, so I was just wondering if there was even a way to filter them. The sweeps are built into the weall style. What I'm trying to achieve is to globally override the mess caused by the silhouette override in Advacnced Model Graphics. And I want to keep that because it does work in some areas, but for some odd reason, it also thickens the sweep lines, which should just be thin lines.

2006-08-24, 03:42 AM
Ooohh... sorry. I'll be quiet. Thought you were talking about in-place sweeps.... good luck!

2006-08-24, 10:03 PM
Haha, np :) From the amount of replies this thread got, I'll assume that either no one knows or that it's not possible.

2006-08-24, 10:57 PM
It's not possible to filter sweep (sub-object) with Filter. That could be a nice wishlist

2006-08-24, 11:29 PM
Thanks Daniel. Another nice wishlist item would be better control over the silhouette override...I just don't see why they affect wall sweeps. :shock:

2006-08-25, 12:06 AM
Definitely a good point

Andrew Dobson
2009-08-03, 03:48 PM
Damn, you still can't do this in 2010.

2009-08-03, 05:10 PM
It's only been 3 years :shock:

2009-08-04, 05:59 PM
I don't believe you can assign any subcategory, wall or otherwise, to a filter, can you?

Andrew Dobson
2009-08-05, 08:06 AM
I don't believe you can assign any subcategory, wall or otherwise, to a filter, can you?

Just looked at this no - not good enough!

I will add this as a wish item.

2013-06-13, 07:25 AM
And its still not possible in 2014