View Full Version : Design Center blocks not scaling properly

2004-06-11, 12:51 AM
Running ADT 2004 with custom multi-view blocks in the Design Center. In ADT 3.3 they worked perfectly. In 2004 they don't scale based on the drawing scale.

All my other custom blocks scale properly. It's just the multi-view blocks that don't. Any thoughts?


2004-06-11, 02:27 AM
How scale of AEC content is determined

Autodesk® Architectural Desktop software provides you with AEC content in the form of multi-view blocks that can be inserted from DesignCenter™. You want to know how the scale of this AEC content is determined.

When an item of AEC content is defined, part of this process is to specify the X, Y, and Z scale, as well as an additional scaling option, which can be set to None, Drawing, or Annotation. The scale for X, Y, and Z is automatically applied to the AEC content and the additional scaling is applied as follows:


When the additional scaling option is set to None, the scale factor is always 1. In these scenarios, neither the drawing scale nor the annotation plot size affects the scaling of AEC content. This option is generally used for items that are created at full size, such as furniture blocks.

Imperial example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used None for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing, it is inserted with a diameter of 3".

Metric example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used None for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing using millimeters as the drawing units, it is inserted with a diameter of 3 mm.


When the additional scaling option is set to Drawing, the scale factor is determined by the drawing scale. In these scenarios, the annotation plot size does not affect the scaling of AEC content. If the drawing scale is 1/8" = 1', then the scale factor is 96.

Imperial example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used Drawing for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing with a scale of 1/8" = 1', it is inserted with a diameter of 24'. This is calculated as (3 x 96) = 288" = 24'.

Metric example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used Drawing for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing with a scale of 1 = 100 mm, it is inserted with a diameter of 300 mm. This is calculated as (3 x 100) = 300 mm.


When the additional scaling option is set to Annotation, the scale factor is determined by the drawing scale and the annotation plot size. If the drawing scale is 1/8" = 1" and the annotation plot size is 3/32", then the scale factor is 9.

Imperial example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used Annotation for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing with a scale of 1/8" = 1' and an annotation plot size of 3/32", it is inserted with a diameter of 2'3". This is calculated as ((3 x 96) x 3/32) = 27" = 2'3".

Metric example

The default door tag contains a circle with a diameter of 3 units. If this door tag used Annotation for additional scaling and was inserted into a drawing with a scale of 1 = 100 mm and an annotation plot size of 3.5 mm, it is inserted with a diameter of 1050 mm. This is calculated as ((3 x 100) x 3.5) = 1050 mm.

Note that both the drawing scale and annotation plot size are set in the Drawing Setup dialog box, which you can access from the Desktop menu (Desktop > Drawing Setup).

2004-06-11, 11:48 AM
Also make certain that you are on the Custom tab in DesignCenter when you insert the block.

2004-06-14, 08:27 PM
I'm doing all of those things.. Now for the strange part. I loaded the same block into ADT 2005 and it worked as it should... Why it doesn't work in 2004 escapes me. Any ideas?