View Full Version : Groups and Reference Levels

David Sammons
2004-06-11, 11:16 AM
I am modeling a multi-story building where floors 3 to 16 are typical. I create a group for the third floor framing and paste align this group to floors 4 to 16. When I view the properties for the floor framing in floors 4 to 16, the reference level is set to 16th Floor. I edit the group at each level so that the reference level is correct for each floor; however, when I go back to view the properties for a framing member, the reference level changes back to 16th Floor for all of the floors.

Has anyone experienced this problem and know how to resolve it? When paste aligning a group to other levels, is there an option to select so that the reference levels are correctly set?

Dave S.

2004-06-11, 11:53 AM
Sounds like you're copying the group on level 3 to the clipboard, & then paste aligning the group to the upper floors.

Have you tried placing the group on the upper floors using the group command, as opposed to copy/paste aligned?

David Sammons
2004-06-11, 05:02 PM
Yes, I did copy to the clipboard and paste align to the other floors. How do you place the group using the group command?

2004-06-11, 06:16 PM
Under the modelling tab, 2nd to the last item.

David Sammons
2004-06-11, 06:43 PM
When placing the group, I am having difficulty with aligning it with the other components so that the group on floors 4 to 16 is directly above the group on the 3rd floor.

2004-06-11, 07:23 PM
do you have the underlay turned on, and have the line weights turn off?