View Full Version : sheet list with bullet issue dates

2006-08-27, 03:35 PM
ive added shared parameters on my title block to include

1issue date
2issue date
and so on.

is there a way for my sheet list to create a bullet list of when a sheet was issued?
1. creating the bullet itself i guess is out of the question because the whole body text is one font so i can do away with wingdings and use an x mark.
2. i can add a shared parameter with milestone date parameters that i can just fill-up with x's and be done with it.
3. but is it possible to to put the value from my added parameter in the revision table '1issuedate' and '2issuedate' to fill up the issue date x columns and delete the actual date parameters?

or are there other ways of doing this?

thanks in advance.

2006-08-27, 07:10 PM
In my November 2005 (http://revitoped.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_revitoped_archive.html) archive I have an article called "Matrix Schedule". It involves using a character map as opposed to a predefined field or data type since Revit doesn't support this sort of display out of the box.

2006-08-27, 11:26 PM
thanks steve, i will use alt+0149.

as to the other issue, can i establish a link between my shared parameter issue dates with the actual table or do i have to manually put the bullets in?

2006-08-28, 12:47 AM
I guess you could use a IF parameter
IF date = 2006-08-25 then alt+ 0149

2006-08-28, 01:40 AM
can anyone check my syntax? im getting an 'Improper use of boolean expressions"

IF (1date="1/1/2006","•"," ")

Mr Spot
2006-08-28, 03:19 AM
From memory i don't think revit allows formulas in text parameters?