View Full Version : Multiple Copies of Tags Created

2006-08-28, 04:25 PM
Fortunately I convinced my boss to switch to Revit [Series] 4 months ago. Unfortunately he's too cheap to get some training happening and I'm having to fix some problems that are cropping up when others are learning to use Revit. The newest of these, as described below:

This is the firm's first "Big" project in Revit. We got past Prelim and DD and now are moving on to CD. I decided to convert the project to Worksets to allow multiple people to work on it. No big deal. Well, somehow, we are ending up with 4 copies of wall tags, window tags and door tags on top of each other and I have no clue how it is happening. Only one person is tagging things (he is copying from one view to another, etc, etc) and he swears he's only tagged things once.

What I want to know is if there is a way to quickly get rid of three of those copies leaving us with only one?

[Please avoid the temptation to mention something about using Revit for the first time on a big project. I've been using Revit for over 3 years and have done plenty of projects in Revit myself. That and I've mentioned my obvious frustration with the big boss not providing training]


2006-08-28, 05:42 PM
Only one person is tagging things (he is copying from one view to another, etc, etc) and he swears he's only tagged things once.

What do you mean he is copying from view to view? Each person tagging should have the view workset checked out. They should focus on tagging one set of items i.e. walls or doors. They should then save to central and relinquish the workset and move on. This method makes duplicate tagging nearly impossible.

To delete all the tags you should isolate the walls and tags using the Hide/isolate controls, window select the entire set, filter to the tags and [shift] select 1 tag from each wall to remove from selection set. Then delete the rest of the tags.

2006-08-28, 05:59 PM
Thanks cphubb,

I was afraid it was going to be tedious. Still not sure that delete all the duplicate tags is a necessary procedure.

What happened with the copying is that the person tagged the walls in one view, but saw they weren't showing up in other views of the same plan. So he copied all the tags from one view to every other view that needed the tags (using Ctrl+C, Paste Aligned). But for some reason it was pasting 4 copies of each tag. Still scratching my head on this one.

So it wasn't a matter of the item being tagged more than once, but multiple tags being pasted. Any ideas what is being done wrong here?


2006-08-28, 06:50 PM
I would do a window around the whole plan, then chose filter, select only tags. Then hold down the shift key and remove one of each. then click delete.

2006-08-28, 07:19 PM
That's what I did.. worked like a charm. Tedious, but it worked.

For the record: I think something screwy is happening with this project (IE: employees are tinkering where they shouldn't be) because I just found that 2 of my stair cases had been duplicated 3 times (so there were 3 stairs with the same Base/Top properties in the same pace). Is there a way to lock everything so that I have to release a workset before someone plays with it? Is this done by checking everything out and remaining the owner of the workset at the end of the day when I save to central and close?

Thanks again.

2006-08-28, 07:24 PM
When people first become aware of Copy to Clipboard and Paste Aligned they quite often use Same Place thinking that it will place the copies in the "same place" in the current view. It doesn't, and they try again...until they try "Current View" which works.

Another Paste Aligned culprit is "Select Levels by Name". If you choose the level the tags are already on you'll get extra copies on top of the existing.

2006-08-28, 07:27 PM
Bingo, I'd put money on that being the culprit. I'll remind them of that info the next chance I get.

Thanks Steve.

Forget about the locking the central file deal. They will need to work on it even when I'm not here.

Thanks anyway,

2006-08-29, 04:38 PM
On the tag issue you may want to look at the Tag all not tagged. We use that command often but with the following caveat.

The team leader or PM applies the command where needed, and tasks a draftsperson to clean up the tags that are in the wrong place and delete some of the extra tags. When you have a split wall in line you will get 2 or more tags, and we will usually all but the last one. If properly used and controlled (by management) then the tool is great. We even have a redline acronym T.A.N.T. we are referring to it as 'TANT'