View Full Version : Calling out for reference!

2006-08-30, 05:13 PM
OK- so I have a callout in which I am referencing another view (a drafting view)

I now need to display this view on a sheet as a detail, however, my callout is no longer displayed in the list of views. I do have the option to add the drafting view, but I want my callout to display what sheet number it is on-

Is there a way to add a referenced callout to a sheet so that the sheet info is displayed on the callout in plan view?


P.S. The following is what it says in the help- is this for a callout in a drafting view only?- I'll play around with this.

If a view from the menu list is on a sheet, the detail number and sheet number are displayed next to the view name. For example, if you choose a drafting view that is on a sheet, its name is displayed as Drafting View : Drafting 1 (1/A101), where the values in the parentheses represent the detail number and sheet number.

2006-08-30, 05:16 PM
You would add the drafting view to the sheet and the callout would show the proper sheet.

2006-08-30, 05:17 PM
You have to place the drafting view that is being referenced on a sheet. Only then will your callout info be displayed.

2006-08-30, 05:24 PM
Wow! Thanks for the quick response!!!! :)

Ok- I'll experiment with that.

2006-08-30, 07:44 PM
So- I have that squared away- it worked great.

I've stumbled across another problem- the other threads on this topic said to go to Settings>View Tags>Callout Tags (this did not work & I'm wondering if it had something to do with different callout styles in the save view??)

I've attached my question w/ some illustrations:

Do I edit the annotation family?

2006-08-30, 08:28 PM
Use a section with the head you want and assign it to whatever view you need. That's how our structural guys reference the typical section details they link from CAD. Don't use a callout, which is really meant to do enlarged details.

2006-08-30, 08:52 PM
Thanks dbaldacchino! That's just what I needed to hear!