View Full Version : Elevation scope grips missing? (v9.1)

Chad Smith
2006-08-31, 12:41 AM
Just working on my first project in v9.1, and the first thing I have noticed which has changed is I am now missing my elevation scope grips. I have attached a screen shot showing what I mean.

The elevation does not have a scope box assigned to it, and I can't find any new property parameters which affects it.

Any suggestions?

Found it, the upgrade decided to turn the crop region off.

Mr Spot
2006-08-31, 04:13 AM
Same thing got me...

Chad Smith
2006-09-06, 09:21 PM
Chris, are you able to send one of your files to Autodesk to look at? They could not reproduce the issue with my files and my request has been closed.

2006-09-07, 08:12 AM
Got me too!

Noticed that the 9.1 template file has scope box turned off by default.

2006-09-07, 01:54 PM
Pick on elevation. Go to properties. Turn on 'Far Clip Active'. Hope this helps. You might want to change template if you always want this property on.

Chad Smith
2006-09-07, 09:07 PM
Lev, how come this is being turned off during the upgrade. A bug? It's very frustrating.