View Full Version : Software piracy....

2006-09-01, 04:40 PM
Largest restitution for Autodesk...I think this may show they mean more business that most thought...


2006-09-03, 01:17 AM
I read that too...

man, thinking about how many 'reduced price' pieces of adesk software he would have had to have sold to buy all of those things... :shock: wow. just... wow.

"which, according to the FBI, include a Lamborghini, a Hummer, two Corvettes, two Cessna planes, a helicopter, a motor boat and an ambulance"

Largest restitution for Autodesk...I think this may show they mean more business that most thought...


Brian Myers
2006-09-03, 03:24 AM
Autodesk has always been pretty tough on people that actually distribute their software illegally for profit. If you sell a CD with any software program on it then you risk a much worse fate than if you simply give it away. That's not justifying giving it away, simply the worst punishment has traditionally come from the illegal sale of software regardless of which software is distributed as you are directly taking profits away from the software company.

2006-09-05, 01:09 PM
...man, thinking about how many 'reduced price' pieces of adesk software he would have had to have sold to buy all of those things... :shock: wow. just... wow.

"which, according to the FBI, include a Lamborghini, a Hummer, two Corvettes, two Cessna planes, a helicopter, a motor boat and an ambulance"
Remember, if it is plain Vanilla AutoCAD, then if you sold it at a reduced price of 2000 (~50%) then you would still have a higher profit margin than Autodesk (I assume, only because of the standard 30% markup...Of course that is a minimum)...But to be able to run so long as to have millions of dollars is incredible...I wonder if Autodesk caught that guy with the software that they "stole" from Z4??? Would that not be ironic???

2006-09-05, 01:37 PM
...That's not justifying giving it away, simply the worst punishment has traditionally come from the illegal sale of software ...There's alot of that just giving it away going on these days as well, especially here in France, where laws are less strict. I liked that closing remark in Rays link: ~snip~According to BSA, 35% of the software installed on personal computers worldwide in 2006 was illegal.~unsnip~
Question: how does one report a drawing office for licensing abuse?

2006-09-05, 01:41 PM
There's alot of that just giving it away going on these days as well, especially here in France, where laws are less strict. I liked that closing remark in Rays link: ~snip~According to BSA, 35% of the software installed on personal computers worldwide in 2006 was illegal.~unsnip~
Question: how does one report a drawing office for licensing abuse?
Autodesk has a link on their website that can help with that...


It is confidential, however if one is to implicate those for whom he/she works, I would suggest going to the website at home or someother place...Cookies and such can track the activity...

2006-09-05, 01:46 PM

I'm sure the French Autodesk site has a similar page...

Brian Myers
2006-09-06, 02:37 AM
See the above link(s) for more information on who to contact for software piracy violations... Autodesk does take them quite seriously.

Augi Doggie
2006-09-06, 02:52 AM
Autodesk has a link on their website that can help with that...


It is confidential, however if one is to implicate those for whom he/she works, I would suggest going to the website at home or someother place...Cookies and such can track the activity...
I think that's very good advice. I know a several people who would blow the whistle on their companies if they weren't worried about retrobution.

2006-09-06, 08:37 AM
I think that's very good advice. I know a several people who would blow the whistle on their companies if they weren't worried about retrobution.Thanks guys,
I got no worries there, as they've already sacked me. However it may now smack of sour grapes ~unforgivable in France, that~ only problem now is I no longer have access to the serial numbers 'n such info.

2006-09-06, 10:19 AM
I no longer have access to the serial numbers 'n such info.No need, AutoDesk can always pull an Audit.

2006-09-06, 02:09 PM
No need, AutoDesk can always pull an Audit.
Very true...If there is any reason, Autodesk can get whatever document they need to get access to the licenses and computers within the company in question...