View Full Version : Revit Titleblocks/Revisions

Andrew Dobson
2006-09-03, 12:24 PM
Is it possible to get the "Issued?" box that is in Settings>Revisions to display on a revision schedule added to a titleblock? This would be useful as it would show on a paper copy whether that revision had been issued or not.


2006-09-03, 01:59 PM
No, here's the available fields. You could use a shared parameter even though it would need manual entry.

2006-09-04, 09:06 AM
Yay! I've been waiting to have a rant about this!

How crazy is that!!!! In just about every place i've worked in here in Australia we have a revision history with the revision number in it, AS WELL AS a revision number in the bottom right hand corner of a sheet. Its torturous trying to keep both up to date with each other!!!

Also, whay can you not issue a revision LETTER and only revision NUMBERS!? The standard here is to issue letters before tender, and numbers after. I have given up on revision histories.

I would desperatly love for someone to point me in the right direction here. And failing that for Autodesk to fix this up!

2006-09-04, 08:06 PM
Yay! I've been waiting to have a rant about this!

How crazy is that!!!! In just about every place i've worked in here in Australia we have a revision history with the revision number in it, AS WELL AS a revision number in the bottom right hand corner of a sheet. Its torturous trying to keep both up to date with each other!!!

Also, whay can you not issue a revision LETTER and only revision NUMBERS!? The standard here is to issue letters before tender, and numbers after. I have given up on revision histories.

I would desperatly love for someone to point me in the right direction here. And failing that for Autodesk to fix this up!For everyone who has wanted to do this - you can!
Check out the attached pdf.
I've set up two different drawing sheets, one for design and the other for construction. Each one has TWO Revision schedules. The first is at the top of the page, the other only displays the Revision Letter (Issued to: ) or number.
Cloud tags are also handled the same way, one for each stage of the project.

Adam Mac
2006-09-04, 10:33 PM
Hmmmm.... interesting Simon - thanks for sharing.

2006-09-05, 11:58 AM
See also this thread

2006-09-07, 01:54 AM
See also this thread
:Oops: :banghead: :screwy:

Thanks Rhys. I seem to remember this comming up even earlier.
This week I seem to have had a total mental collapse. I've done ALL this before over a year ago. I have a answer for the ABC 123 which works to a certain extent.

ABC's are covered with the 'issued to' field.
123's as normal
The revision letter/number shown separately - instance parameter in sheet (has to be manually updated)

2006-09-07, 04:00 AM
Hmmm... thanks guys.

Interesting workarounds, but should we really have to do this? There is just way too much space for error when we fill in the "Issued to" box as the revision number, when it sould do this automatically. The double schedule is a nice trick though =)

Surely its a common thing to want to set up your title block like this, and all it would take is for the factory to provide us with some more label parameters and the option for letters or numbers in the revision history. Not too hard is it!?

2006-09-25, 06:20 PM
Is there a way to create a revision schedule for the entire drawing set, as opposed to denoting individual design changes within the drawing set? For example, the entire submittal for a Master Use Permit versus a Department of Transportation submittal.

2006-09-25, 06:35 PM
...or perhaps is there a way to create a revision schedule not directly tied to a revision cloud?

2006-09-25, 07:41 PM
Malika - is that you?
Could you just add a custom parameter to your titleblock?
Or, if you need to turn off/on a submission label, could you use a visibility parameter to toggle the label on or off? We do this with our architect's stamps here, but I'm not entirely sure that can be applied using a label...would be worth looking into though...

2006-09-25, 08:33 PM
Hey Danielle,

Yup it's me! I'll give those items a try, but when I tried the custom parameters before they weren't editable when the titleblock was loaded into the building model file. Typically those parameters which can edited appear in blue when the titleblock is selected. I got nothing from those custom parameters, which probably means I'm not customizing them correctly - so I guess I could use some advice on that too.

2006-09-25, 09:07 PM
Hey Danielle,

Yup it's me! I'll give those items a try, but when I tried the custom parameters before they weren't editable when the titleblock was loaded into the building model file. Typically those parameters which can edited appear in blue when the titleblock is selected. I got nothing from those custom parameters, which probably means I'm not customizing them correctly - so I guess I could use some advice on that too.

Aha! Okay - so here's the deal with titleblock param's: You have to load them into your model. So, when you update your titleblock and reinsert it into your project, you have to then go into settings>project param's, then load the custom ones in one-by-one, making sure that you made them shared parameters. Once you do that, they will appear in blue instead of red. 8)

2006-09-25, 11:50 PM
Ooo, nice Cool Shades. I'll give it a try. Thanks!

2008-07-22, 02:00 PM
I've been looking at the revision schedule and have the following questions or thoughts to add. I'm wondering if you can create a lable to read the issued to feild of a revision schedule? This avoids changing the number noted as "manually updated" in the PDF. Both are manually updated, but the problem is that it's updated in two places. Once in the project revisions and once on each sheet.

We are also going to use the "issued to" feild for another purpose.

My thoughts are that the revision schedule isn't really a revision schdule it's an issue schedule. This because you can issue a drawing without a revision, but you can't revise a drawing without issuing it. Hence, the "revision number" (issued to) doesn't need to update with every entry on the "issue schdule" (revision schedule), but the "issue number"(revision number) and the "isssue description" (revision description) need to update with every entry on the issue schedule.

I can't seem to find or create any kind of label that reads parameters from the revision schedule. Can anyone help?

2008-07-23, 03:00 AM
From the original dates on this thread, I have to ask if you've seen the latest revision management features in Revit 2009? You can access the revision parameters within the sheet properties, thus allowing a sheet to be 'issued' without requiring a revision cloud.

In an attempt to answer your question, you can't pull values out of a schedule (revision or otherwise) and put them somewhere else in Revit. That's what shared parameters and API tools are for.

Chad Smith
2008-07-23, 05:00 AM
My thoughts are that the revision schedule isn't really a revision schdule it's an issue schedule.
I feel it's more of an Issue Schedule than Revision because you can't assign different descriptions to multiple sheets that are within the same sequence. The fact that you can only assign a single description to a revision sequence indicates that the sheets are being issued for a purpose, and not to describe the revisions on a sheet which is what a Revision Schedule is supposed to do.
The only way to do this is to assign each revision description (i.e.sheet) to it's own sequence, and then the revision list gets huge.

Chad Smith
2008-07-23, 05:53 AM
To follow up on my previous post, here's what I would like to see;

Revision Clouds currently have a Comment parameter which has the potential to be leveraged in Revision schedules. I would like this Comment data to be able to be placed under the revision in the schedule and also relate back to the revision tag. Refer attached image for example.

In the Revisions dialogue, there would be a parameter to toggle to use this on either a global or per sequence basis.

This might also help lead the way to be able to create a project revision schedule which will list historic revision history.

Note: I made a small mistake on my mock image. The tags for the clouds should read B, not A.

2008-07-23, 09:09 AM
Thanks for your posts Chad I think you have hit the nail on the head there regarding how a revision schedule would suit our working methods best. 8)

We do issue schedules totally separate also, never on any drawing sheet. We put a sheet status on each sheet that reflects the stage of issue it is at though. (eg For Tender / Construction / Comment etc)

So have you tried using Revit TV (http://revittv.com/)'s tool to achieve a revision schedule that suits? I know fellow Augi member Rhys has been playing with it, but I haven't had a chance to test drive it yet, otherwise we are too deep into the construction detailing to look at changing how we do revisions (manually) on the project I am working on!

Chad Smith
2008-12-01, 12:40 AM
Digging up an old thread. Nope, I haven't played around with RevitTV.

Can anyone here tell me if it can do easy revising that allows actual revision descriptions on a per sheet basis, as a true revision schedule should do?