View Full Version : Unwanted screened walls- other layers in Plotting ADT

2004-06-12, 05:38 PM
I've sent some files to someone who uses acad lite 2004 to plot and some of the layers plot in a screened fashion. Is this a default setting that I need to change? She suggested that I change the color of the layer to one of the basic colors. So I changed the wall to red and now my tiny plots from my printer won't print in black at all-only color and her plots are still screened. What can I do to remedy this? Thanks in advance.

2004-06-12, 06:23 PM
send her your CTB,
If she is using a different plot device,
then she will need to edit hers, and
or change her layer properties for those
layers. Recall that with ADT you have
benift of Display Representation sets
and in LT they do not.