View Full Version : Help with Display Representations in ABS2007

2006-09-05, 05:17 PM
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a setting that will allow items to show up on the screen and in a plot preview but will not plot.

I'm going crazy! I have a drawing with multiple layouts where my conduit shows up on the screen and also when I do a plot preview but will not plot. It is only the conduit that doesn't plot and I have changed the display representation to several different ones.

I've also checked to make sure the conduits were on a plotting layer (although if they were on a non plotting layer I don't think they would show up on a plot preview). I don't know what else to check.

I am using a display theme on these layouts but I also tried turning off the display theme and it still didn't help.

2006-09-05, 06:15 PM
Would you be able to post a drawing? It doesn't need to contain everything, just the troublesome conduit. If it is only one drawing you could try importing display configs from drawings that work.

2006-09-05, 10:14 PM
Here's an interesting twist. I tried to clean up the drawing enough to be able to post it.

I removed xrefs that weren't necessary, bound the remaining xrefs, and purged the drawing. The weird thing is this drawing will plot the conduit.

Now all I have to do is figure out what I did.

2006-09-05, 10:42 PM
When you bound them, did you do a bind as a "bind" or as an "Insert". The drawing that was x-refed in may have been set to "Default" pen styles, which in most cases don't plot, unless you've changed them in the sheet file. Just a thought. If you bound as an "Insert", the objects may have been placed on a layer that was already existing and set up to plot. Just another thought.

2006-09-07, 04:37 PM

I did bind the xrefs. I think the problem was in my view, when I deleted the view and xreffed the individual constructs that were in the view everything printed fine. You mentioned that the drawing may have been set to "Default" pen styles. I guess I don't understand what you're saying. Where do I check/change the pen styles.

Thanks for your help,

I was able to get my drawings out, albeit at 7:30 PM

2006-09-07, 05:33 PM
I guess I was under the assumption that you were using .stb pen style. You can check/change them in the layer manager if need be. It usually only happens on custom objects that don't have a "set default" pen style.

Heck, only 7:30. I was here till 9:00 last night. I might be done by midnight today. I love putting out cd packages for sd's.

2006-09-07, 05:41 PM
Nope still a ctb guy. I know I should get into the 21 century but having items print by color just makes sense to me.

Any idea what might have been going on with my view? I realized later that it was everything in the view not just my conduit that wasn't printing. I've checked all of the obvious things (ie non plotting layers etc). Like I said earlier the weird thing is everything looks fine in the plot preview.

9:00 PM. Hope you're hourly and not salary like me.

2006-09-08, 03:28 AM
Nope still a ctb guy. I know I should get into the 21 century but having items print by color just makes sense to me.

Any idea what might have been going on with my view? I realized later that it was everything in the view not just my conduit that wasn't printing. I've checked all of the obvious things (ie non plotting layers etc). Like I said earlier the weird thing is everything looks fine in the plot preview.

9:00 PM. Hope you're hourly and not salary like me.I'd had this type of issue before where it looks great in view file, but the object itself disappears in the sheet file. I've also had issues before between constructs and views. I usually tend to take the approach that It might take me 5 min to re-create the view or sheet (which usually fixes whatever was messed up); or it might take me 4 days of trying things that don't work in which case I end up re-creating it anyway. I'd just copy to clipboard anything that's not part of an x-ref, re-create it and paste whatever back in. Just some more thoughts.
Well back to the plan work. 175,000 sqft down 175,000 to go.

2006-09-08, 06:53 PM
I'd had this type of issue before where it looks great in view file, but the object itself disappears in the sheet file. I've also had issues before between constructs and views. I usually tend to take the approach that It might take me 5 min to re-create the view or sheet (which usually fixes whatever was messed up); or it might take me 4 days of trying things that don't work in which case I end up re-creating it anyway. I'd just copy to clipboard anything that's not part of an x-ref, re-create it and paste whatever back in. Just some more thoughts.
Well back to the plan work. 175,000 sqft down 175,000 to go.

Probably good advice. Sometimes it's easier to just say "Computers", do what you need to do to get the drawings out, and not worry about what caused the problem.

Unfortunately I tend to be the kind of person who can't rest until I figure out what is going on.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions.