View Full Version : Sloping curved floor intersection

Steve Jager
2006-09-06, 02:23 PM
We have an auditorium floor that curves and slopes at the same time and we want to join with a cont flat floor. Can't figure out how to get a clean join there is always a gap.

2006-09-06, 02:28 PM
Important question, is the intent to be a double curving surface, or continuous slope that intersects with the flat floor. Double slope is tricky, someone else in my firm did do it, and I can get him involved. If its a continuous slope that just needs to intersect properly you will need to do an inplace family with some cutting voids to get the geometry right. I did that on an auditorium that looks amazingly enough, very similiar to yours. Let me know and I can try to pull some screen shots, and or addtional info.


Steve Jager
2006-09-06, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the response. I was hoping for a nice clean simple solution but,It sounds like an inplace fam will have to do it. Too bad Revit can't do this in one operation along with an auditorum seating tool like Vectorworks.

Yeah in CT schools we have to do this for accessibility. They are real strick on this issue of someone HC not having to leave the space and come back around so we have put a ramp on both sides to accommodate this.

2006-09-06, 03:47 PM
Does the curving slope all point towards a centerpoint? i.e. think of a shallow, nearly flat cone, upside down, with the center portion cut out, and then only a piece of the remaining part as the floor. The top and bottom curved edges would be at a constant elevation. If this is what you're after, you should be able to do it with an in-place sweep, and then voids at each end of the sweep to cut the floor sweep parallel with your side walls.

2006-10-31, 05:44 PM
has anyone happened to find/put together a tutorial of sorts about this? or another tutorial to watch to see the concept of voids or sweeps... this seems to be really complex. i haven't really done sweeps or voids or anything yet... and i found what seems to be contradicting info about creating one floor, or several floors for the rows to attach chairs to...

the image steve attached is exactly what i'm trying to do also, but i'll attach my own also... you can see my plan floating above for my layout...

my chairs are floating, but whether they can be attached to the floor is handled in the chair family, right? if i set one chair on the floor, then array, i'm assuming it will array attached to the floor?? the whole floor is going to slope, warp or whatever it needs to do at the ramps, as one continuous slab? or should i work the ramps separately and sweep how the ramp meets the floor... the chairs will be mounting to the sloping floor (there is not going to be a flat section for the chairs)... and i can attach handrails to my floor or ramp...

the upper house seems to be a different logic also, since there is no "slope" just rises and stairs... i saw scott davis' post somwhere else, that's the 3d "look" we want, but will it read properly in section?

i'm prepared to re-do everything properly, i had to do a quick plan/section for the owner to approve our new direction, which was easy and now i need to do it "for real"
