View Full Version : Scale X and Y independently

2006-09-06, 07:45 PM
i have been give the blessed job of updating our blocks library. yeaaaaaa! i am converting all of our custom blocks to dynamic blocks. but i have snagged on one block. i have a rectangle that i need to stretch in x&y direction i used XY parameter i tried the scale action it got the closest result. but i also tried stretch action. my problem is: i need the length to get longer in increments of 12 and the width is defined in a list because it is not a uniform scale. how can i get the scale action to scale the x&y independently.

2' 3' 4' is the y
and 2'-3", 2'-6", 2'-8" is the x
i also want to pair the distances
so when stretched to the 2' mark it has to be 2'-3" so on

so does anyone know if i am overlooking a setting?

2006-09-06, 08:03 PM
ok i figured out how to get it to the right sizes. i used to stretch actions. but how do i pair my values? can i even do that? example below

y direction / x direction
2' / 2'-3"
3' / 2'-6"
4' / 2'-8"

2006-09-06, 11:59 PM
ok i figured out how to get it to the right sizes. i used to stretch actions. but how do i pair my values? can i even do that? example below

y direction / x direction
2' / 2'-3"
3' / 2'-6"
4' / 2'-8"Hi there, I'm going to move your post from the ADT General forum to this one, as I believe it will be better served here, Thanks!

2006-09-07, 12:46 AM
ok i figured out how to get it to the right sizes. i used to stretch actions. but how do i pair my values? can i even do that? example below

y direction / x direction
2' / 2'-3"
3' / 2'-6"
4' / 2'-8"best way is to implement a lookup parameter. you will select the parameters into the lookup and then place it in a list. check out the 'stud' block that shipped with Acad tool palettes in the 'Architectural' tab for an example. also check out the 'sharing' thread at the top of this forum. i think there's a few that use lookups in there also.

2006-09-07, 02:29 PM
ok i have the look up set up but i have no pull down grip.
in the lookup properties it is set to read only. but i cant change it. how do i get that to display?

i am providing a screen shot

2006-09-07, 02:44 PM
ok i have the look up set up but i have no pull down grip.
in the lookup properties it is set to read only. but i cant change it. how do i get that to display?

i am providing a screen shotyou can't have ANY blank rows, cells. is that an extra row i see?

2006-09-07, 02:53 PM
Also I belive it can't be set to Read-Only....I think.

2006-09-07, 02:57 PM
it wont let me delete the options are grayed out

2006-09-07, 03:03 PM
i have been using this block as a guide it has the blank rows. this is from the shared blocks forum. it has an option to make it "allow Reverse Look up" and "read only"