2006-09-07, 03:28 AM
I have made a quick in place model of a deck and deck structure. All is well. Until trying to edit this in place model (as you need to do sometimes) and it comes up with the error, CHANGES TO GROUP Apartment 1 are only allowed in edit group mode. ??! huh ? i try and edit the Group Apartment 1, and the deck and structure cannot be touched (as i have never added it to that group!), so i cant edit the inplace family, as it now thinks its part of the apartment group, the apartment group has no relation to it, and out of all the issues, i can miraculously delete the deck, which surely you cant do if its part of the Apartment 1 group as per the error!! Please help.

2006-09-07, 04:21 AM
Sometimes revit freaks out a little like that.

Without beeing the file its hard to tell exactly what is up, but try cutting and then pasting aligned. This might remove any strange relationships.

2006-09-07, 09:40 PM
Hey that did solve the problem, it was small model so i had just rebuilt it. Thanks, good to know that revit throws wobblies like the rest of us. (it is human after all). If that ever comes up again i'll know what to do, still doesnt make any sense why it grouped into another group!? Thanks