View Full Version : Snap increments

2006-09-07, 11:29 AM
Does anyone know how to make the snap increments to work?. I always set five increments: 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 and I expect to see them working when nudging or stretching the endpoint of a line for ex. They sometimes do work, but more often I get increments like 0.601, 0.326 etc.. Please give me an idea.

2006-09-07, 11:47 AM
Snaps adjust as views are zoomed. So the snap increments that are set also adjust as you zoom in or out of the view. Also, are there other elements or components that the snap is finding.

2006-09-08, 03:44 PM
Yes, I've read they adjust with zoom, but they should adjust at the values specified by me!!!. With angles it's the same. It could have been a great help to have these increments work the way I thought they would, but just now I can't understand why these feature exists!?

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-09-08, 05:11 PM
Does anyone know how to make the snap increments to work?. I always set five increments: 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 and I expect to see them working when nudging or stretching the endpoint of a line for ex. They sometimes do work, but more often I get increments like 0.601, 0.326 etc.. Please give me an idea.
Snaps are dimension driven and should locate end points exactly regardless of zoom level. The nudge tool is related to display resolution and will not move things at precise increments.
If you are dragging a line or wall Revit may be finding an 'apparent intersection' of the element being moved and something else in the view, resulting in the odd values.

Out of curiosity, what units do the snaps you set relate to, ft, meters, inches?

2006-09-10, 01:03 AM
Does anyone know how to make the snap increments to work?. I always set five increments: 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 and I expect to see them working when nudging or stretching the endpoint of a line for ex. They sometimes do work, but more often I get increments like 0.601, 0.326 etc.. Please give me an idea.

This is strange. If it is using dimensions snapping you should be getting multiples of the increments you set. If you are getting something different then the most likely thing is that it is placing the point using some means other than dimension snapping. For example, it might be placing the point be snapping to the extension of a line. You might try turning off all other snaps beside the dimension snapping and see if it works.

The nudge tool is related to display resolution and will not move things at precise increments.
Not true. The nudge tool will move things a multiple of one of the snap increments (or, if necessary, a fraction of the smallest snap increment such as 1/2, 1/4, etc.). It uses the zoom scale only to determine which one to use.

Dimitri Harvalias
2006-09-10, 05:44 AM
Thanks for that clarification Irwin. I'll be sure to remember that.:beer:

2006-09-12, 08:33 AM
Yes I figured out that it uses fractions of my increments but that is exactly what I don't want. If I tell the program the smallest increment is 5 cm than that is exactly what I expect him to use and nothing smaller. I would be a wonderful tool if it worked this way. Especially if I could set the number of increments it would "jump" when pressing SHIFT.
I gave up using nudge.. I'm an engineer and I need precise values. All the time!. But thanks for your answers.

2006-09-12, 01:51 PM
I have problems with this every now and again, but its rare. I usually draw a line, and if the snaps are doing their job in a timely manner, I will use the temp dims after I draw something and change it to what it should be, usually works fine, however, the times this has been a problem is using the structual tools, since these seem to have a behavior of their own?! Curious, are you doing something that using temp dimensions couldn't handle?

2006-09-12, 03:25 PM
The temporary dimensions usually work, but if the snap increments would work, I would save some clicks and key presses each time.. And unfortunately, the temporary dimensions do not always work, I mean, I can't always edit their witness lines to the reference I need because the grip is simply unavailable.. happens pretty often. I am using 8.1. Anything got better in this matter in 9.1?

2006-09-12, 04:47 PM
I gave up using nudge.. I'm an engineer and I need precise values. All the time!. But thanks for your answers.Nudge isn't intended to a precision tool but it does use some logic to permit rational or reasonable alteration. Typically I find nudge most useful for moving text, tags, a view on a sheet and any task where precision really isn't a primary concern.

That said, nudging an object will not introduce a strange dimensional relationship to another object where this strange relationship doesn't already exist. If you place two walls and add a dimension to them making sure the walls are a "nice" distance apart like 10'-0". Then select one wall and nudge it away from the other...change your zoom as you use it. Revit will never make the wall 10'-4 5/64" away from the other, it will always be a clean value relative to the Snap Units, if not one of the snap units exactly.

With metric dimensions you'll need to stay zoomed out a bit so you don't end up with millimeter nudging when you really wanted centimeter. But you shouldn't end up with a .5 millimeter value if it wasn't already present. If it is Revit will preserve this while nudging.

2006-09-13, 02:08 AM
The temporary dimensions usually work, but if the snap increments would work, I would save some clicks and key presses each time.. And unfortunately, the temporary dimensions do not always work, I mean, I can't always edit their witness lines to the reference I need because the grip is simply unavailable.. happens pretty often.
If you create a dimension and then select the object that it references, the dimension will activate (sometimes you must pick Activate Dimensions) and then you'll be able to modify a dimension that goes to the exact reference you want.