View Full Version : Rotating attributes independently of a Block

2006-09-07, 12:45 PM
Ok I have a delima here. I want to be able to move an attribute indepently of the block, but I still want it to rotate with a rotation parameter. I can get it to either move with a rotation action or rotate without moving its grip.

Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

Is this clear or still very muddy?

2006-09-07, 02:42 PM
Ok I have a delima here. I want to be able to move an attribute indepently of the block, but I still want it to rotate with a rotation parameter. I can get it to either move with a rotation action or rotate without moving its grip.

Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?

Is this clear or still very muddy?still muddy. graphic novels work wonders for us 'picture' types...

2006-09-07, 03:09 PM
The first picture is showing the default state when the block is inserted.

The second picture shows the text rotating with the block but not the grip for the text.

The third picture shows the text moving (not rotating) with the rotate action. this attribute has a grip and can be moved independently.

What I would like is to be able to rotate my attribute with my block and then be able to move my attribute if I needed to.

Any clearer?
Any ideas?

2006-09-13, 01:16 PM
The first picture is showing the default state when the block is inserted.

The second picture shows the text rotating with the block but not the grip for the text.

The third picture shows the text moving (not rotating) with the rotate action. this attribute has a grip and can be moved independently.

What I would like is to be able to rotate my attribute with my block and then be able to move my attribute if I needed to.

Any clearer?
Any ideas?(*sigh*) C'mon Dynamic BLock Head! This is elementary! ;)

point parameter with center of MText as the basepoint. Move action on point parameter with text as the ONLY entity it holds.

Rotate action should INCLUDE point parameter but not action and should exclude text object that was originally included.

Make sure that Point Parameter has a grips set to 1 (if you want to be able to move its final location) - set to 0 if you want the location to be static.

Apply, Save, Done.

You're letting down the "dynamic" side, there Will! :razz:

2006-09-13, 07:37 PM
Thanks for the chastising Rico, but I want the text to rotate with the block. I also want to move it once it has been rotated. What you described I already do, but that just moves the text about the rotation - not actualy rotating the text.

Any clearer? I thought you wanted pictures (which I posted)? Are they not any good?

C'mon don't leave me hangin'.

2006-09-13, 07:51 PM
Thanks for the chastising Rico, but I want the text to rotate with the block. I also want to move it once it has been rotated. What you described I already do, but that just moves the text about the rotation - not actualy rotating the text.

Any clearer? I thought you wanted pictures (which I posted)? Are they not any good?

C'mon don't leave me hangin'.
if what i offered is not what you're looking for then I'm not sure if I understand exactly what it that you want the text to do ....

there are 3 ways to rotate text within a DB that I know of ...

1) rotate text about an object with the orientation set to 0

this is the way I have described above ....

2) rotate text with object at same time

universal rotate for whole object and include text with it. This way, if you rotate block 15 degrees, then your text rotates along with it to 15 degrees ....

3) add a rotation parameter to a text object to have it rotate independantly from the block itself.

just as it says ....

in any case, with all 3 points listed above, if you unlock the text's location within the DB you are able to move the text object to wherever you want from the text's justification points ... rotated or not .... if you add a point parameter, this becomes easier as you can simply grab the grip.

not sure what kind of crazy thing you're requesting .... but the only things that DBs can do are listed above.

2006-09-13, 08:13 PM
2) rotate text with object at same time

universal rotate for whole object and include text with it. This way, if you rotate block 15 degrees, then your text rotates along with it to 15 degrees ....

This is what I need but I want to be able to move the text as well. Discussing this with you has turned on my light bulb. If I include the text and the point in the rotation but turn off 'chain actions' in the point parameter then I can rotate my text and then move it.

Thanks a million for talking this out with me, Rico.

2006-09-13, 08:21 PM
This is what I need but I want to be able to move the text as well. Discussing this with you has turned on my light bulb. If I include the text and the point in the rotation but turn off 'chain actions' in the point parameter then I can rotate my text and then move it.

Thanks a million for talking this out with me, Rico.yeah, you don't want to chain stuff that just needs to go along for a ride with another action...

2006-09-13, 08:29 PM
This is what I need but I want to be able to move the text as well. Discussing this with you has turned on my light bulb. If I include the text and the point in the rotation but turn off 'chain actions' in the point parameter then I can rotate my text and then move it.

Thanks a million for talking this out with me, Rico.
I have been inadvertently calling the "Lock Position" field "Lock Location" ... my bad.

well, if that's what you want, you don't even need the point parameter, Wil. You just unlock the location and you'll be able to grab and move the text AFTER rotation without it. Don't overcomplicate it.

Delete the point parameter and unlock the text position. Include the text in the rotate and that's it.

2006-09-13, 08:41 PM
Ok 2 things here:
1 - I have been saying text when actually I have attributes.
2 - Whether I set it to lock or not I can't move the atts without a point.

2006-09-13, 09:00 PM
Ok 2 things here:
1 - I have been saying text when actually I have attributes.
2 - Whether I set it to lock or not I can't move the atts without a point.
Well that shouldn't matter ....

In your attribute creation screen there is an option for you to make the attribute movable or fixed .... see pic.

When the box is clicked the attribute is unmovable. When it is unclicked, you can grab the attribute and move to your heart's content.

2006-09-14, 11:53 AM
I agree with what your saying Rico but once you make the attribute not locked then it doesn't work with the other actions in your block. I'm still stickin to this post as it works.

If I include the text and the point in the rotation but turn off 'chain actions' in the point parameter then I can rotate my text and then move it.

2006-09-14, 01:10 PM
I agree with what your saying Rico but once you make the attribute not locked then it doesn't work with the other actions in your block. I'm still stickin to this post as it works.right. 'unlocked' attributes don't need special 'move' parameters if you don't plan on having do anything dynamic. attributes ALWAYS needs to have the 'locked...' option checked if you want it to react to dynamic actions.

2006-09-14, 01:23 PM
right. 'unlocked' attributes don't need special 'move' parameters if you don't plan on having do anything dynamic. attributes ALWAYS needs to have the 'locked...' option checked if you want it to react to dynamic actions.(*scratches head*) ..... hmmm :confused: ........ (*looks around room*) .... I swear I've done this before ....... but I tried creating a block and doing just that and you're right. The attribute does not take part in the actions if it is left unlocked ..... I should have checked my answer before posting .....

But I guess If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. My apologies Wil. Unlocking does not seem to accomplish what you need. I wish we could erase all those posts because they have misinformation on them ....

Can we start over? Hi My name is Rico ......

In actuality, for one of the blocks I have, I wanted to accomplish something similar and what I did for that one was add a rotate parameter to the text so that I could rotate it any angle despite what the block's orientation was. Maybe that's how I tackled it .... but I swear I had solved it a different way too ..... :Oops:

... now it's me who needs to be chastised .....

2006-09-14, 02:33 PM
Nobodies gonna do any chastising Rico (...uh maybe...). We're all friends and colleagues here just trying to help each other. When one of us needs to see the light of day we don't mind stepping in and removing the lampshade from time to time.:)

No seriously, thanks for getting me to discuss my block. I tend to come up with a few good ideas when I talk about something. (Are you moonlighting as a Shrink?)

2006-09-14, 02:38 PM
Nobodies gonna do any chastising Rico (...uh maybe...). We're all friends and colleagues here just trying to help each other. When one of us needs to see the light of day we don't mind stepping in and removing the lampshade from time to time.:)

No seriously, thanks for getting me to discuss my block. I tend to come up with a few good ideas when I talk about something. (Are you moonlighting as a Shrink?)
Well thanks, Wil.

the techniques I listed above (1-3) are accurate, just the locking and unlocking is all wrong.

I went over all my blocks here and all I can find is the one with the rotate parameter on the text. looks like it was just my imagination. Running away with me. It was just my imaginaa-eee-shunn. Running away with me.

Sometimes as a shrink. Other times as the class clown.