View Full Version : Levels visibility in section/elevations views...?

2006-09-09, 07:47 PM
Hi all,
I have been working on this large project for a few months now, with countless revit project versions, views created and deleted, sheets etc. etc.

I use Revit as an architectural modeler, in a stage where you should keep away from it as much as possible: design.

So, I am looking for serious troubles, but so far I think it is still worth it.

Last week, I opened one of my sections view, and the levels did not show. Actually only one of 5 levels showed. Here we go again, I think, the levels extent do not cross my section line.

So, I look for a plan view where the section is shown, and I see it is pretty close to other sections where the levels do show.

Well, then I go to these sections and start analysing the levels: 2D vs 3D, reset extent, etc.

Nothing works. The damm levels do not show in the section I need them.

I call our in house revit expert, who rolls his eyes because I am usign revit "the wrong way", that is, to design, without too much care for documentation.

"You messed up the extent of your levels, go to an elevation view and stretch them far, far away...".

I do that, and it does not work.

So, finally I deleted that section view, and create a new one, identical position: all levels are now visible and nicely cropped to boundaries.

Having worked with CAD, 3D and computer graphics for the last 15 years, I just know that this cannot be just my superficiality. This is yet another of Revit mood swings.

Question: is there any way, in a section or elevation view, to simply force a "reset to view boundaries" for all levels in a project? V.9, of course.

Thank you



2006-09-09, 09:31 PM
Using Revit the wrong way.... for Design? That's messed up! Sure, there are things to do and things not to do in Revit during the initial design phase but those same things apply equally well to the construction of a Revit model when you're in deep CD's.... ARghhh! Sorry... that frustrates me.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I've read about similar accounts on this Forum and I think the answer was the same as you discovered... delete the offending section and recreate. If you have any view specific annotations be sure to create a group out of them first so you can replace them in the new view. If you copy them to the clipboard you should be able to paste them in the new view in the same positions.

2006-09-09, 10:00 PM
all you should have to do is find the missing level in any view,right click on it and select maximize 3d extents.

2006-09-09, 10:56 PM
Scott, I tried that, but did not work...I went to another section, and extended all levels...
No go.

This are the things that make the whole Revit experience so unnecessary painful: little, banal unpredictable twists in the way the software behaves.

I wonder in what stage of the Revit user "phasing" chart I am... eheh

Thank you



2006-09-09, 11:24 PM
Never had this happen. I rarely found that Revit was freaking out on me. It's mostly been my lack of full understanding, and once I realize what is happening, it makes sense and I apologize to Revit :) I did have some cases where for instance a room separation line goes to a view workset instead of a user created workset, but a cut/paste resolves that. That's as freaky as I've got it to behave (ok, groups are a little freaky too...)

What if you duplicate with detailing and delete the offending view? That would be pretty quick.