View Full Version : Fascia-line visible in floor plan

2004-06-14, 08:02 PM
This maybe a stupid question but I haven´t yet succeded in getting the fascia-line visible as overhead semi-dotted line (above cut plane) in floor plans. Aswell won´t walls above cut plane show up at all but windows and other objects will when I set the view range to unlimited. It feels stupid to add the lines in question by using the detail line command.

2004-06-14, 08:16 PM
You could also set the view plane temporarily so you are cutting/above the roof line, use the linework command, and then change the view range back. You only need to do it one time for the project and then it becomes parametric and will move if the roof changes.

Otherwise you can create a roof plan and align it over the floor plan on your sheet, showing only what you want.