View Full Version : dimension angle greater than 180 degrees?

2006-09-12, 01:07 AM
I have a lay-in ceiling "cloud" comprised of various sizes of continuous arcs that I'm trying to dimension. I drew drafting lines from the endpoints of each arch, connecting them at the arc centerpoints, so that I can put an angular dimension on them. The problem is that one arc is greater than 180 degrees, but it seems to only put the lesser angle dimension on there, i.e. I need it to say 185 degrees, but instead it puts extension lines from my drafting lines and dimensions it as 175 degrees (as if I were dimensioning on the other side of the angle). Is it not possible to get it to say 185 degrees?

2006-09-12, 02:55 AM
No I don't think so. Would it not work to explain to the contractor that it is 5 degree's off horzontal anyway? Probably easier to lay it out knowing that as opposed to trying to layout 185 degrees or 175 for that matter. Just a thought, hard to say without a image.

2006-09-12, 12:10 PM
There is no horizontal involved here really. Let me show you what I mean. Lower right corner of the image below, I had to make up the 185.45 deg. dimension using a line, leader arrows, and text. And yes it definitely needs to show the 185 deg. dimension.

2006-09-12, 12:30 PM
I can't figure out a solution either. This is a real bummer. Hey Factory! Please fix dimensions (this is definately not the only thing wrong with dims).

2006-09-12, 02:11 PM
Have you filed a support request on this. They will need to see this, I agree completely you should be able to do this.

2006-09-12, 02:49 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if instead of someone having to take time out of their busy schedule to file a support request, a helpful person from the factory (whom we are told lurk here) would take this problem in hand and look into it. After all, dealing with sofware problems with their own software is what they get paid to do, where a drafter is not being paid for this activity.
Just dreaming out loud....


2006-09-13, 03:51 PM
Check out this thread.
David Conent says that angled dimensions are limited to 180 degrees.