View Full Version : Door tags with room tags.

2006-09-12, 02:04 PM
We label our doors with our rooms. I.E. Office 101. The door will be 101. Any other doors associated with that room will be 101A, 101B...
Does Revit have that ability parametrically? Say we just set up the rooms and check a few boxes and the doors will label themselves accordingly?

Otherwise we will be changing all the tags manually... which is still easier than using our old software.

Thanks for any help.


P.S. I did do a search here but did not find what I was looking for.

2006-09-12, 02:08 PM
No, you can't concatonate door tags based on Rooms, would be nice.... System's families can know their room for load calculations etc. but they haven't brought this feature over to Building yet... The closes you can get is that you can schedule in the door schedule the to or from room that the door is related to. We number doors in the same way BTW.

I would suggust changing the door #'s 'in the schedule BTW not tag by tag... You can have a plan view & schedule open, and just go through them quickly.


2006-09-12, 02:18 PM
Thanks Robert!