View Full Version : Cut Line Styles

2006-09-12, 05:24 PM
I know this has been covered before, but I would like to get rid of some lines on the external layers of my walls. i.e. in a foundation plan, I have the view depth to be 0' at first floor so my walls don't show up, but you can still see the edges of any base line extension in the wall layers. And my roof plans, when showing hidden lines of walls below, you can see the edges of all layers. I would like to get rid of these lines through cut line styles. I read a post some time back describing how to do this, I even received a file from someone with an example. I mirrored every detail to the t and still no luck. I could not get my view to behave the way it was suppose to, so I don't know if this is a problem with the way I have set up my views or what.

I would like someone if possible to point me to the most informative post concerning this issue or maybe post some instruction as to the best method to achieve this. Like I said, I gave it a shot but I just couldn't grasp the entire concept, or I was doing something wrong, so I've been 'living with it' but would like to get the hang of it and get it into some view templates so I could save some time in the future.


2006-09-12, 05:32 PM
This is for a foundation plan?

I use worksets and just turn off the non-foundation walls.
You could also use filters.

2006-09-12, 06:42 PM
I think that is a good method, however if I don't want to show the different wall layers in any kind of view, wouldn't using the cut line styles accomplish this. Say I do want my walls to show, just not all the wall layers.


2006-09-13, 02:39 PM
So I tried using cut line styles to only show my core in my floor plan. I changed my finish and substrate layers to white and it seemed to take them out, or turn them white anyway, but I am getting these little dots at all my wall ends etc. Are these going to print? or is there another setting I must change somewhere?