View Full Version : Model Pattern Moving Geometry

2006-09-12, 09:44 PM
I have a counter top in which I have defined a parameter for backsplash material and counter-top material. I have used a 4.25" model tile pattern for the backsplash. It shows up a little un-even in my interior elevation, so since it is a model pattern, I selected a line to that pattern and tried to nudge it, align to the edge etc., but all that does is move the whole counter-top. I tried locking the counter-top to the cabinet, wall etc., it just continued to move anything I locked it too!!!!! What is going on? I've never ran into this before, I've always got the pattern to move independently......any suggestions?


2006-09-12, 10:22 PM
From what I've read it is a bug :(

2006-09-12, 10:37 PM
That's too bad. I was suprised as I've never ran into this before. Filled region I guess.