View Full Version : Wall not visible in underlay??

2006-09-13, 03:20 AM
On my reflected ceiling plan, I turned on an underlay for the finished floor, in order to see some walls that don't go all the way up to the ceiling. The ceiling is at 18 ft. but the walls are only 10 ft. tall. I set the cut plane on the RCP to be above the short walls so it doesn't get confusing.

Now when I turned on the underlay for the finish floor plan view, there is one wall that does not show up, but the wall nearest to it does show up. This makes no sense, because both walls are the same height, the same type, on the same workset, and both are contained within the same plan region area. I have no clue as to what the difference could be to make one wall not show up in the underlay. Any ideas?

2006-09-13, 06:25 AM
Sometimes I've found changing to wireframe does the trick with things like this.


2006-09-13, 06:34 AM
What happens when you set the cut plane at ten feet just on top of the wall?
Does it still not show?

2006-09-13, 02:07 PM
Sometimes I've found changing to wireframe does the trick with things like this.


Nope, that didn't work. I can see the room boundaries on either side of the wall pre-highlight if I roll over them, but no wall. Even my short 4 ft. tall walls show up, but that one 10 ft. one does not.

2006-09-13, 02:08 PM
What happens when you set the cut plane at ten feet just on top of the wall?
Does it still not show?

Actually when I did that, all the 10 ft. walls disappeared from the underlay. However the short 4 ft. walls were still visible.

Makes absolutely no sense. :screwy:

2006-09-13, 02:34 PM
I did a search on this and heres what i found:

If objects are visible in the view range of your current view, AND in the view range of your Underlay, they are automatically hidden in your underlay, so there isnt a double instance. So if the walls are present in your RCP view range (even though you may not see them if there is a ceiling there) then they wont show up in the underlay.

This happens with our Roof plans as well. The interior walls are present in the view range, becuase it goes down to almost the ground (to get exterior wall details to show up), but they dont show up because the roofs are on top of them. But if i underlay the floor plan, they wont show up either, because theyre already *visible* according to the view range.

Hope this helps...

2006-09-13, 03:09 PM
I did a search on this and heres what i found:

If objects are visible in the view range of your current view, AND in the view range of your Underlay, they are automatically hidden in your underlay, so there isnt a double instance. So if the walls are present in your RCP view range (even though you may not see them if there is a ceiling there) then they wont show up in the underlay.

This happens with our Roof plans as well. The interior walls are present in the view range, becuase it goes down to almost the ground (to get exterior wall details to show up), but they dont show up because the roofs are on top of them. But if i underlay the floor plan, they wont show up either, because theyre already *visible* according to the view range.

Hope this helps...

Not really, because it's only one wall that's not showing up. There is a wall nearby, and most of the other walls in the showroom, that are the same height (10 ft. tall), same type, on the same workset, everything is the same. But that one wall doesn't show up, and the rest do.

I tried changing the view range of my plan region in the RCP view so that it doesn't touch the 10 ft. walls (bottom at 10'-6", cut plane around 15' and top at 24'). That one wall still won't show.

2006-09-13, 03:13 PM
Oh, my mistake... I missed the part where it was only one wall...

2006-09-13, 03:18 PM
I even tried deleting and re-creating the wall, and it still doesn't show in the underlay. :(

bleh, I don't care anymore, I don't even need the underlay anymore.

Michelle Gibson
2007-11-15, 04:06 PM
I am having trouble following this. We have a roof plan set so that the top range is well above the highest roof. The cut plane is also set above this plane so that we can show the roof overhangs. Our bottom is set at zero. Our view depth is set at 1200.

We want to show the roof edges, but want to tie dimensions in to the exterior face of stud so we need to show location of exterior walls. We have the main floor plan as an underlay but can't make it work.

Am I missing a simple step somewhere?

2007-11-15, 05:47 PM
The only trick seems to be that if the walls are within the view range of the main view, then they won't appear in the underlay, as twiceroadsfool noted above.

So you could try setting the bottom and the view depth just below eaves level. Then the walls should show up in the underlay. I'm not sure if the walls have to be completely clear of the view range for this to work, though.

Alternatively you could set the view to wireframe and then use the linework tool to trace the wall lines through into the roof plan. Switch back to hidden line and the wall lines will still show up.

You could use the 'show hidden lines' tool, but I think (haven't checked) that that will only show the finished faces of the walls.

Scott Hopkins
2007-11-18, 07:34 PM
Have you checked to see if there is a plan region that is individually hidden in the view?