View Full Version : Straightening an (incorrectly) sloped beam

2006-09-14, 07:30 PM
Somehow all the beams have taken on slopes that they're not supposed to have. We have three garage floor heights (each different by less than 1-2 feet). Each floor has three sets of structural beams that should all be parallel (and probably attached) to the three corresponding levels. We took the CAD plans, underlaid them, and then modeled the beams. Now, some of the beams have become unlevel (not sure how). Every time I find one that is sloped and try to adjust the start or end offset to the right height, I get the "circular chain of references" error. Can anyone recommend a strategy to easily fix the unlevel beams?

Also, I am trying to figure out a way to clean up the structural members (especially these beams) so that we can quickly and easily see which beams are at which level. I thought I could make a parameter that shows a tag for each beam that just tells the user what level it is on. Another idea that I had was to color code each beam based on its level. Does this seem like a good idea? Does this even make sense?

So I am really looking for two fixes here:
1. A way to make the beams level
2. A way to easily see which beams are attached to what

I have attached screen shots, error messages, and properties dialog boxes.


2006-09-14, 07:53 PM
Just a shot in the dark, can you use align to strighten/level the beams out?

Also, your start and end level offsets should read the same. That's why they're not level.

*looks at attachment*

well shoot... something has definitely gone FUBAR somewhere along the way.

2006-09-14, 07:55 PM
I would first check the offsets under the beams properties. This is also one of the ways to find out what it is referenced to. Under first option box 'Constraints' it displays the the reference level, start level offset, and end level offset. I would check those to make sure that the beam, for example, isn't starting at -1'-0" under 'level 2', and that the end isn't, -3'-0'' under 'level 2'.

Hope this helps,

2006-09-14, 08:22 PM
I haven't been able to align the beams (you can't align non parallel objects). I fully acknowledge your comments about the start level and end level offsets and I think that the problem does lie specifically in this parameter. I have been in the properties box and made several attempts at adjusting these, but always end up in the circular chain scenario. Is there any way to unattach the beams to each other (even though they are structural in nature) and then level them, and then realign them to levels?
PS: I have attached more screen shots of the situation as well as a couple screen-shots of the properties dialog box.

2006-09-14, 08:23 PM
I am losing my mind! Here are the screen-shots

2006-09-14, 08:26 PM
I just ran into this circular chain problem. Are these 'beams' line type families? (IE: You draw a line and it places the beam.) If so, you may want to try making sure they are not locked to anything and then chaging the offsets. That's how I fixed my 'Circular Chain' problem anyhow.


2006-09-15, 02:31 AM
I haven't been able to align the beams (you can't align non parallel objects). I fully acknowledge your comments about the start level and end level offsets and I think that the problem does lie specifically in this parameter. I have been in the properties box and made several attempts at adjusting these, but always end up in the circular chain scenario. Is there any way to unattach the beams to each other (even though they are structural in nature) and then level them, and then realign them to levels?
PS: I have attached more screen shots of the situation as well as a couple screen-shots of the properties dialog box.
just for the record, you can allign non parallel objects, just possibly not in this situation.

2006-09-15, 02:50 AM
I get the "circular chain of references" error.
A typical strategy for breaking any constraints on an object is to select the object and cut it to the clipboard. Then use paste aligned same place from the edit menu. This action typically removes any constraints related to an object (even the uninentional ones). However, I can't garuntee that it will work in this exact situation.
