View Full Version : Two Wall Types and a Window

2004-06-15, 01:46 PM
I have a brick and stud wall up to 5' and from 5' to 10' I have a hardi plank and stud wall on top. The walls are aligned and have the same thickness. My problem is, I am trying to place a window at 3' sill height and 7' head. I am placing a window in between the two walls. The window will automatically cut an opening for the bottom brick wall, but will not cut an opening for the upper hardi plank wall. Is there a solution to this?


2004-06-15, 01:57 PM
Build your wall as a compound wall that adds the base Brick as an integral sweep OR use a wall that only has your structural wall components less brick and add a sweep to the wall. Though for windows like you describe I think the first approach will be better.

2004-06-15, 02:29 PM
I tried adding a wall sweep for the base... that didnt work. the wall sweep is not wrapping around the opening... I am actually working with a door. is that going to make a difference in what you suggested.
I have attached an image... the brick wall is the sweep... and the hardi plank is the wall i am attaching to.


2004-06-15, 02:43 PM
There is also an instance based opening in the metric window library. You could use this or an edited elevatiopn profile to spoof an opening in the upper section of wall, though it is twice as many elements

2004-06-15, 02:54 PM
Hi there,

I had a similar situation a long time ago. I went back and reviewed the Revit 5.1 tutorial on building vertical compound walls so that I could add furring and tile on a wall up to 5' and then GWB above that. I forgot how helpfull those dang tutorials were. It was a snap to edit my wall after reviewing the tutorial.
Once I edited "Structure" and opened the preview into the section view, it was only a matter of unlocking the shape handles of each affected item, raising some, lowering others and adding a new one for the furring etc. Once it is a single wall again, doors and windows are automatic once again.
I haven't done this is 6.1 yet; however, I assume it still is the same way.
Best of luck!
Steve Shell

2004-06-15, 05:21 PM
Thank you for the help... I fugured it out. Revit decided to do it for me...

I am having trouble getting the "pick main host.." button to appear in the options bar... i have some drawings done by another architect, and this button is there... so i think that it is a family specific button... how can i fix this?