View Full Version : Multiple rails & baluster spacing

Michael Coviello
2006-09-15, 02:43 PM
I'm having problems with a railing which has a bottom rail, mid-rail, and top rail.
I want balusters to go from the bottom rail to the mid-rail with specified spacing
and other balusters to go from mid-rail to top rail with it's own spacing

It seems like Revit has the ability to do this but when i change the spacing of one baluster pattern it effects both.

2006-09-15, 03:51 PM
The spacing in the pattern is from the baluster before it, so unless the top and bottom baluster are going to repeat at regular intervals, id explore a few different options:

If its going to go "lower lower lower upper, lower lower lower upper" Id try making all three lowers in one baluster, than has three pieces in it.

If theyre going to be at two completely different intervals, im not sure how id go about it. Maybe a separate railing?

Michael Coviello
2006-09-15, 06:14 PM
Thanks for the reply. I understand how to get it to work with two separate rails.
I question why the "dist. from previous" parameter isn't relevant to the row it's on?
If the rows operated separately i believe there's more flexibility in the railing. Your thoughts?

2006-09-15, 06:48 PM
Personally, id like to have the option of *distance from previous* or *distance from previous of same type*, only because when i was first learning this, i couldnt figure out why my glass panels were inside my regular balusters, LOL.

I agree though, you should be able to establish completely independent patterns.

But what kind of spacing do the upper and lower use? Is there no correlation between the two?

Michael Coviello
2006-09-15, 07:11 PM
The upper part has the 4" space. the lower one adds a baluster
see the jpeg
thanks for your help with this by the way.

2006-09-15, 08:28 PM
See, the picture simply has the top baluster being placed with every other bottom. So i would do it with one railing, and two baluster types:

Type1: Make this baluster type so that its just the bottom piece.
Type 2: Make this baluster the bottom and the top together.

Then space them as shown...

Make sense?

2006-09-15, 09:12 PM
You nailed it there! Just make two balusters and space those accordingly. No one is really going to notice and it will not really matter in the model step. Just call it out properly in the details!

Michael Coviello
2006-09-15, 09:34 PM
Thanks for you help. That makes sense now.
The method i used was to duplicate the square baluster and use two instances like you mentioned but i didn't use a 'double' baluster and a single.
i used two singles.